Chapter 7

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Harry’s POV

Blair led us through other shops with each one providing something different to buy, but all I could think about was that girl.

 Wow. Her hair, long and wavy, reminded me of beams of sunlight. Her eyes were a deep shade of the prettiest grey you’ve ever seen. She wasn’t much taller than Blair, and her body curved in all the perfect places. Her lips were full and shaded light pink, like the color of a delicate flower. A few freckles lightly dotted her cheeks and nose, and there were traces of them from her shoulders all the way down to her hands.

 Obviously I wasn’t too focused on shopping. This Logan had better treat her right. If I had her, I would treat her like a princess. But I should probably try to avoid thinking like that.

 You don’t know her.

 My stupid subconscious spoke again.

Eventually, Blair had to go home and we had to find a place to sleep. We gave Niall and Blair some distance as he walked her up to her house. I’m sure Niall would have a hard time leaving now, but he probably didn’t even think about the fact that we planned on leaving this town in a couple of days, if not sooner.

 Even I seemed to forget about our plans to continue to travel as we visited this little town. Everything seemed to stand still, and I felt like everything around us was moving, but here in this little town, we were remaining the same.

After a few minutes Niall came back to where the rest of us were standing down the sidewalk a bit. He was smiling from ear to ear, and he was in a sort of daze.

 “Welcome back to reality lover boy!” Louis teased him.

 He just blushed and looked at the ground.

 We all continued to tease and question him as we walked back to the van. His face was as red as ever, but for the first time in a long time, Niall seemed really interested in this girl.

 “Niall, you realize we’re leaving right? We’re not staying here long…did you tell her that?” Liam questioned.

 That boy who was so happy two moments ago turned into a boy who looked like he lost everything, and I think his heart might have literally sunk deeper into his chest.

 “I forgot. I forgot pretty much everything when I was with her. She’s so…perfect. What am I going to do?” Niall asked.

 I hated seeing him upset. It was one of the worst things in the world to witness.

 “Did you get her number?” Louis asked.

 Niall nodded. “Of course.”

 “Well problem solved!” Louis said enthusiastically. “You can chat with her and tell her our plan, and then you can talk to her while we travel. Then maybe we can swing back through here on our way home. If you feel the same about her when we get back, you can figure something out then.”

 Niall shook his head. “But I don’t want to leave. I’ve only just met her. And you boys aren’t going to want to stay here. You’ve nothing to do. You guys can continue on like you planned.”

 Niall was quite irrational when it came to making quick decisions. He was one to follow his heart and not think about the details.

 “Niall that’s crazy.” Liam objected. “We’re not just going to leave you all alone in a strange town in America.”

 Niall looked at the ground again and frowned. Everything was silent as no one said anything for a few moments.

My brain fought with itself. I could stay here with Niall. I didn’t mind this town. In fact, I quite liked it. It reminded me of my small hometown in England, only it was America. But the boys and I planned to take this trip together- the five of us. It wouldn’t be fair to split with them now. It had only been a couple weeks since we arrived in America. They wanted to visit California, and New York City. Honestly, so did I. But I also wanted to stay here with Niall…maybe for more than one reason. 

 I sighed and quietly said, “Well then maybe you won’t have to stay alone.”

 All of the boys looked at me.

 “What do you mean Harry?” Niall asked.

 “I mean I’ll stay here with you. The rest of you can continue on to California as planned, and I’ll stay here with Niall until he gets something worked out with Blair.”

 Niall looked at me in disbelief. “Harry…you’d do that for me?”

 “Niall you’re one my best mates. I can see the way you’ve looked at that girl all day. I’m doing this for you because I know you’d do the same for me any day.” I smiled. “It’s about time you found a girl who was worth your time mate, and I think this might be the one.”

I did want to stay with Niall for those reasons. It wasn’t my fault I had a few other things encouraging my plan.

 Niall was back to his happy self. He smiled as big as he was smiling a few minutes earlier. “Me too Harry.” he said.

 I nodded. “Well then it’s settled. But we should probably get back to the van, and maybe find a hotel for the night?”

 With that we started off towards the van. I hoped that the rest of the boys wouldn’t be too disappointed in the new decision. Hopefully they’d understand…

(Wattpad wasn't working last night. -__- So I'll try to post a few chapters today and a couple tomorrow before I leave for break! I love you guys!

p.s. GUESS WHAT?! ANNA ( @imaginator1d ) FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER!! I woke up to see the notification on my phone, and I woke up happy! Now to get her to follow me on instagram? Mission accepted. ;)

I love you all! xoxo )

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