Chapter 33

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I walked along behind Harry for at least two blocks, but he kept glancing back over his shoulder. Maybe to see if I was still there? I skipped forward a little bit and fell in step on the opposite side of his bike. He still didn’t say anything, but for some reason I had the urge to get some sort of a reaction out of him. I wanted to see him smile again was what I wanted. I needed to see that I could make him happy. Maybe that would erase our previous situation with Logan from my mind.

I held my hands behind my back at looked over at Harry, smiling. He looked at my out of the corner of his eye and raised his eyebrows, and I quickly looked away, pretending I didn’t see.

To my right there was an empty lot that had become someone’s very large backyard, with trees and bushes.

“Erm..” I heard him mutter under his breath, “What…?”

Before he could finish whatever he was going to ask I jumped in front of the bike, forcing him to stop walking. His eyes were wide and I could see the confusion on his face. I stepped towards him and looked straight into his eyes, trying to get him to focus on me; only me.

I reached my leg out and put the kickstand down on his bike, and then took another step closer to him, so we were only inches apart. I practically had to look straight up at him as he towered over me.

I could hear his breathing get heavier as he never broke eye contact with me, and he was probably too distracted to ask questions. I placed my hand on his chest and could feel his rapid heart beat through his thin t-shirt.

“Are you a fast runner?” I asked quietly as he leaned towards me.

“No, why?” He asked in a breathy voice, his lips inching closer to mine every moment.

“Because, you’re it.” Our lips were only centimeters apart, and I teased him by barely brushing my lips against his.

“I’m what?” He asked, closing his eyes.

I applied a bit of pressure on his chest and whispered, “You’re it.”

He opened his eyes and looked down at me as I let a huge smile spread across my face.

“I’m…?” He tried to question me but I quickly placed a small kiss on his lips before gently pushing him backwards and sprinting off in the direction of the yard.

“Addie!” He called after me.

I turned to face him, “Come and get me Styles!”

His face lit up with my challenge and he immediately began running towards me. I quickly turned and continued to run, dodging trees and bushes. I nearly tripped over stick and came very close to running head on into a tree branch as I kept glancing over my shoulder to see the beautiful smile the boy was wearing as he chased me around the yard. His long legs had the advantage though, and he quickly caught up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist, lifting me into the air.

I couldn’t hide the giggles escaping my lips as he applied pressure to my sides. He stopped abruptly, still holding me in the air as he playfully gasped.

“What?” I asked, my breath heavy from running.

“You’re not ticklish are you?” He smirked.

“What? No, no I’m not…” I couldn’t finish before Harry once again pressed his fingers into my sides, causing me to erupt with giggles and laughter. I heard him laughing as well as I wriggled and squirmed in his arms, and eventually he set me back on my feet, only to spin me around and pin me against a tree.

Suddenly we weren’t laughing anymore, and the only sound you could hear was from our heavy breaths mixing in the summer air. His arm rested above my head and his chest rose and fell with every breath he took. He was beautiful.

“What are you doing?” He finally asked, breaking our noisy silence.

“I don’t know.” I replied.

His tongue ran over his lips, making them look soft and inviting.

“I meant, what are you doing, to me?”

I didn’t know what to say. I’m not speechless very often, but in this moment I was completely lost in Harry’s presence.

When I didn’t reply, he said, “I’ve never had this. You make me absolutely crazy. I’ve never looked at girls like I look at you. I’ve never,” He paused to tuck my hair behind my shoulder. “I’ve never wanted to touch a girl like I want to touch you. It’s like I need you. It’s like I need to feel you somehow.” His soft fingers ran across my cheek and I instantly had goose bumps on my arms. How was that possible in 85-degree weather?

I needed to compose myself. If he didn’t stop I’d melt into a puddle right here in front of him.

“Easy boy.” Was all I could think to say. It came out quiet and raspy, and not at all confident like I’d expected.

He chuckled and dropped his head to look at the ground. “Sorry, I’m so corny.”

“I don’t think you’re corny.” I lifted his chin and smiled at him. “I think you’re wonderful Harry.”

His smile lit up his face and he leaned towards me, but I decided to tease him further.

I ducked under his arm that was rested on the tree and started to walk towards his bike.

“I guess you’ll have to wait a little longer.” I winked before turning around. A moment later he was next to me, and he intertwined his fingers with mine.

“Impatient.” I laughed.

"I can't help myself." He replied, and I let his hand remain around mine.

(Sorry for the short chapter, but I really wanted to update! Enjoy the happiness, because it could change at any moment. ;) Love you! xoxo)

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