Chapter 14

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Harry and I walked along and made small talk about the weather, the summer, and the safety of riding a motorcycle. It wasn’t very long before we approached the garage.

 “Maybe if Logan is working I can introduce you to him.” I told him. Why wouldn’t I be able to introduce them? We’d already decided Harry was my friend. I can have friends.

 Don't let a relationship with one person ruin experiences and frienships with someone else.

Blair’s advice played in my head.

 I noticed Harry awkwardly fidget with his shirt and then ran his fingers through his hair.

 “Would that be okay?” I asked. Maybe it was a bad idea…

 “No, it’s fine. I’d love to meet him.” He said, obviously forcing a smile.

 We walked through the open garage doors and immediately the smell of oil and rust filled my nose.

 Harry put down the kickstand of his bike and I searched the room for Logan’s father. He owned the place, so I assumed he would be around somewhere. Before I could spot his father, Logan rolled out from underneath one of the vehicles right in front of us.

 “Hey babe, is there something wrong?” He asked, obviously not noticing Harry.

 He stood up and wiped his hands on his dirty jeans, and then finally took notice of the boy standing next to me.

 He didn’t have to say anything; the look on his face said it all. Logan was already sizing up the stranger.

 “Logan, this is my new friend Harry. He’s visiting for the summer.”

 Harry awkwardly extended his hand for a handshake and Logan halfheartedly accepted it. I began to wish that I’d never come here.

 “Nice to meet you Logan.” Harry said politely, obviously putting forth some effort to get on his good side.

 “Yeah, you too.”

 Seriously Logan? I rolled my eyes when he wasn’t looking. He was acting like a child.

 “Babe,” I said forcing a smile and trying to get Logan to ease up, “Harry needs his bike looked at. There’s something wrong with it. You don’t mind do you?”

 Logan finally looked away from Harry and pointed his attention towards me. “Addalie can I please talk to you.”

 It wasn’t so much of a question as a demand. I nodded slowly and followed him into his dad’s office, turning back to Harry to give him a sympathetic smile. He shrugged and smiled back at me.

When we were both in the office, Logan shut the door.

 “Addalie, what the hell?”

“Excuse me?” I asked.

“Who is that? Why is he with you? Is that the guy you were talking about yesterday? So much for “I told him I was taken”.”

 “Calm down Logan, I did tell him I was taken. He’s just a friend! Why are you freaking out?”

 “Because I don’t like feeling like I have competition.”

 “Competition? Logan are you serious? What part of ‘we’re friends’ didn’t you understand? We’re friends. Just friends!” I raised my voice slightly, but I was careful not to let Harry hear, although I doubt he could over the sound of tools and car engines outside the door.

 “Addalie listen to me, I don’t want him around you.”

 “You can’t tell me who I can be friends with. Besides, you don’t even know him.”

 “And you do? You just met him.” Logan crossed his arms in front of his chest.

 He was right, I didn’t really know him. But I knew all that I needed to know. Harry was really nice, and already a good friend. I didn’t need more than that.

 “I know him better than you do. I can be his friend if I want.”

 “Addalie…” He warned, his voice full of annoyance. He didn’t like being told no. In fact, I can’t remember ever telling him no.

 Logan stopped one great friendship from happening; don’t let him do it again.

 Once again Blair’s advice filled my head. All at once I felt my stubbornness rising to the surface.  

 “Logan. I will be friends with whoever I choose. You do not get to tell me who I can and cannot see. Now, I’m done with this conversation. You either go out there and fix his bike, or I’ll find someone else in this damn garage to do it.”

Logan took a step back; the look on his face was complete shock. I had never stood up to him, and I had never sworn at him before. I squared my shoulders, and was feeling quite proud of myself.

 “Fine.” He finally muttered.

With that, I turned and walked back into the garage without waiting for him.

(Ohhhh Logan and Addalie fight :o haha hope you enjoyed! Remember to comment and vote if you liked it! I love you! xoxo )

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