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Synopsis: PJ and Patience decide to find out what operation C is, the Tates try to escape from the Evo factory. Team Suroh search for numbers in the lunch room

The Evos had Oliver and I strapped down to chairs in the Evo scientists abandoned factory.

"We have got to get out of here." I said as I tried my best to break the straps.

"Calm down." He calmly replied. "Soon the cousins are going to realize we're missing and the first place their going to search is here."

I angrily rolled my eyes. "Not if we told them we were going to see Tracy and don't know when we'll be back!" I shouted.

"Crap." Oliver now began to try and break the straps.

"We have to get out of here before they try to put a control chip in us."
"No need for that Violet." Dr. Grant said as he walked into our room.

"All we need is your Crossed blood." He said before chuckling. "Get it? Cause your kind is called Cross bloosd. Oh come on that was funny." He folded his arms.

"Oh I forgot to mention that I lose my sense of humor when i'm strapped down to a chair!" Oliver angrily said.

A slow, small grin crept on Dr. Grants face as he reached into his lab coat and pulled out two long needles to collect our blood.

"Don't worry this won't hurt a bit." ===========================================================================================
"I can't believe this. He was playing us!" Parker said angrily.

"I feel so stupid." PJ said as she sat down on the couch.

"We all do." HJ sighed.

"Not me." Wyatt added.

"Okay Wyatt we get it. You were right." I said.

"Thank you. So what's the game plan?" He asked.

"We have to play it cool. Don't act like we suspect anything. We need to find out what operation C is." PJ said.

"And Avalon's werewolf necklace is hexed on to her. She needs to come back with me. My coven can fix her before it turns her evil." Rachel explained.

"Wait. Is that why you attacked Violet?" Chris asked Avalon with his eyebrows together.

Avalon nodded her head.

"Look i'm really sorry that I-" Chris began to say.

"Save it jackass." Avalon hissed.

"Okay guys so the plan is to remain calm. Alex has Empathy. He could feel if your acting suspicious of him. Just lay low and I'll find a way to get some answers." PJ said.

"We'll find out some answers." Patience added as she placed a hand on her shoulder.

Everyone nodded their heads.
Oliver and I were feeling weak since the Evos took huge amounts of our blood. Just as I began to close my eyes fairy dust began to appear right in front of me. I was now looking at Nixie who had a huge smile on her face.

"Oliver do you see that?" I asked in a weak tone.

"Yes Ariel I would love to go swimming with you." He said before chuckling.

CHARMED: THE NEXT GENERATION (BOOK 2) Where stories live. Discover now