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We are here back at Paisley Park, and O(+> is still working on his album. I've seen him all day. He's always locked up in that damn studio.

I laid in bed thinking about certain things until the phone rings. I picked up saying 'Hello?'

"Ang, it's me Michael." I smiled instantly.

"Hey Mike, how are you?" I said.

"I'm doing better. How about you? You and your bun in the oven." He giggles.

"We are doing just fine, thanks for asking."

Our conversation went on for about three hours. Michael always make a situation better, that's why I can tell him anything.

"Well go and check up on him. I'll see you soon, love you." Michael said.

"Alright,Love ya too. Bye Michael." I hanged up the phone and grabbed my tea, leaving the room.

I walked down to the elevator, getting on, going to the first floor. As I walk more, I heard the voice of O(+> and someone else. It was a girl definitely. I moved slowly to the studio door, that was wide open.

"Why are you here Beca?" He says.

"Because I want to check up on you. I miss you. And want you very much." That Bitch!

"I don't want you, I'm beginning to raise my family and I don't need you messing that up for me."

"Oh yes you do!" She grabbed his face then kissing him.

This nigga better pull away.

But no! He continued kissing her. I shook my head leaving going back to our room. My tears were rushing down my face. I grabbed a paper and pen, beginning to write.

I'm gone till you realize what you did. Don't try to find me or go after me. I'm done right now. We need a break....for now.
And next when one of your bitches pop up at this damn house and be in your studio, close the damn door.


I sat it on the bed, then taking off my rings putting them next to the note. I got dressed real quickly.

  I grabbed my bag and left this house

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I grabbed my bag and left this house. Lucky his driver was outside.

"How are you today, Ms.Pinnock?" He said.

"Not so good. Can you drop me off at the airport please? Don't tell your boss alright." He nodded and opened the door for me.

New York, here I come..

Angeliyah [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now