Name change

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(That picture is from Zayn Malik's Instagram who is 'Zain' in the story. He is a big Prince and Michael fan.)



"Dad,I want to run something by you and mom real quick." Said Zain entering the studio. Me and Liyah look up at him.

Zain have been something else the pass five years. He's been getting tattoos like crazy,already had three girlfriends and a video of him smoking pot surface the 'Internet'. He's starting to get back to the Zain he was before this mess.

"Go on." Liyah says walking her fine self to the soundboard. After all these years she's still keeping up.

"Well you know that I've been wanting a career in the music industry since...."

"Since you was three boy. Come on." She laughed and I did too.

"I started writing more and dad said he would help me. I just think I should change something." He said nervously glancing at us.

"Change what?" I questioned.

"My name?" Zain said it like a question.

"Okay? To what? Please don't say a symbol!" Liyah protests as I look over at her. She glaze over at me. "Well it's different with him. He's my son, I want to call him something that's pronounceable."

I rolled my eyes and look back at Zain. "To what Zain? I'm an expert at this."

"Nothing dramatic or anything. I just want to 'I' change to a 'Y'." Me and Liyah looks at each other confusingly.

He walked over to a note pad and wrote it down then show it to us.


"It looks cool."

"So your name meaning 'beautiful king' ain't cool?" Angeliyah joked with him. "I mean your twenty almost twenty-one, what ever floats your boat babe."

"That's the same thing she said to me. 'Whatever floats your boat'." I mocked Liyah as she hit my shoulder. "No but really, you what you want to do. Follow in your father footsteps." I say proudly while Angeliyah smacked her lips.

"Please don't. He's been arrested,wore butt-less pants, and had no name."

"You got arrested?!" Zayn said with excitement. Weird?

"One time in my earlier years, I was bad to the bone." I let some of my cockiness out.

"Boy bye. He and his bandmate at the time stole a police mega phone."

She really had to breakdown my cool like that man.

"Anyways, when you trying to get this album out?" I asked him. All he did was shrugged.

"I don't know dad. I've been writing since I was sixteen. I do have the songs I probably would want."

"Well you get that together and talk to me or your mother."






Oh what the hell! I can't get any peace and quiet around here.

"HOW AM I?! YOUR THE ONE CUSSING UP A STORM IN ONE SONG!" Said Prince down the hall in the studio.

"Got damn it! These two are getting on my last nerves." I told paisley as I got up from to couch with her.

We headed to the studio where the yelling was coming from. Zayn is starting his album which is, 'Mind Of Mine' and Prince is producing it with him.

I busted in there with both of them looking at me.

"What is the problem?" I asked folding my arm.

"It's dad! He's acting like he never heard fuck in a song."

"What ya mouth boy!" Prince took off his sunglasses. "Ain't no son of mine going to be cussing like them rappers out there now."

"Are you serious right now Prince?" I looked at him rolling my eyes. "What was you doing at twenty something years old? Looking for the ledge,right?"

He kept quiet as I went on with my rant.

"It's only been eleven years since you last spoke in that manner. Zayn is twenty-one years old, a adult! Either help with his music or not. I'll gladly will. All you been doing his picking on him with the songs he wrote. And Zayn don't talk to your father like that. He is helping you after all,be happy you have that opportunity. I didn't,I grew up into the woman I am today without my father being around for most of my life."

I couldn't take it anymore. They been arguing for the longest about this. Paisley was just standing back behind me in shock of my outburst.

Since 2011,Prince and I been trying to have a baby and I got pregnant. But five months in I had a miscarriage. It was a boy.

That put a hardship in our relationship and family. Prince was the most hurt during that time period and so was I.

After that we just stop trying. Nothing could bring us happiness since we loss our baby boy.

Zayn doing what he love because of us was finally bring in light for Prince. We all couldn't be happier for him.

Paisley got her thing going with acting and we are also proud of her.

Our children is growing up so damn fast and he's focused on many time Zayn is cussing in songs.

"Now that I have every ones attention. I'll like to make a announcement." I said kinda nervously.

I mean anyone would be nervous if your forty-five  and you tell your husband of twenty-one years and two kids that your-

"I'm pregnant...again."



What's up my lovelies💕 I hope you like this chapter. As you can see it's 2015 now in the story and I'm deciding on a few things🤔

I kinda lie because my mind started going places with the chapters and timing. So it's only two more chapters left...😭.

I'm thinking about a sequel? I don't know if I should skip pass Prince passing away or not?

I'm still thinking 😶

Anyways☺️ Bye Bye For Now💜😒

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