My Comeback

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Five Months Later


"Come on Zain, let's see what's daddy doing." So as I said 'Daddy' his eyes perks up. I can tell when Zain gets older, him and O(+> are going to be very close. They look just alike, to be honest.

I tried picking him but he keeps crawling away from me. He's just got into it crawling about two weeks ago and now he won't stop. I shrugged my shoulders and left the room, looking back see him following me. We went to the elevators and I picked him up.

Once we got off the elevators, I walked to the sound of men talking and an basketball. I opened the door to the indoor court. I saw a group of his friends playing a game but I saw Morris sitting on the sidelines. I sat next to him with Zain hugging to my chest as he looks around.

"Morris Day."

"Angeliyah Nelson, how ya sugar?" He said then flashing a smile. He always calls me sugar, and he knows O(+> gets pissed but playfully.

"I'm alright. What cha doing on the sidelines? You did something didn't you?" I laughed.

"You know me well honey. I was talking smack and your FUNSIZE ASS HUSBAND kicked me out on this game." Morris made sure O(+> heard it as I cover my baby's ears. He might be seven months, I just do want his first word to be a cuss word for God sakes.

I couldn't help but laugh at the 'Funsize' part.

I couldn't help but laugh at the 'Funsize' part

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"Yo! Timeout real quick." O(+> yelled out then passing the ball to some guy. He came over to us as I was still laughing but tried to stop when he came closer.

"So what was said over there?" O(+> grabbed a bottle of water.

"I said yo ass is Funsize. Now you can't hear?" Morris joked with him as I turned my head to stop myself from giggling. These two are always doing this. If Jerome was would be a war but funny.

"See even your wife agrees with me."

"Don't put me in it!" I said then looking at Zain.

"No your in it because I saw you laughing." O(+> says while eyeballing me. Everyone started crowding around us.

"I thought you didn't here what was being said, Aye? I could have been laughing at something else." I said honestly.

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