Empat Puluh Dua

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Hello beautiful readers!
So sorry for the weeks of inactive writings. I had busy days playing around with my friends and family. Don't hate me! 😭😭
Okay cut it off, here's part 42! Enjoy.


"Sorry, I've made up my mind."

Ben terpaku. Lelaki itu kemudian menggelengkan kepalanya.

"You're lying, Adriana," ujar Ben.

"I'm not," ucap Adriana, terlihat yakin.

"If you already made up your mind, you wouldn't run to your balcony as soon as you received my letter. You wouldn't desperately looking for me. You would not run to me without your shoes, you would not scream my name, and hug me," ucap Ben, sambil menatap bola mata Adriana lurus-lurus.

Adriana terdiam, tak tahu lagi mau menyanggah dengan alasan apa. Sejujurnya, semua yang dikatakan Ben benar adanya. Jika memang Adriana sudah menyerah dengan Ben, tak mungkin ia dengan panik berlari menemui Ben bahkan sampai lupa mengenakan alas kaki.

"You are trying to forget me, but apparently you fail because I showed up," ucap Ben.

Adriana masih terpaku. Ingin rasanya ia membuang muka, tidak menatap bola mata biru lelaki itu yang seakan mampu membaca hatinya.

"You know you can't lie to me, Adriana. Your eyes always tell the truth," ujar Ben lagi. "I know you very much. A little too much."

"Yes I lied to you!" seru Adriana, setengah frustrasi. "Kamu bener, semua yang aku tulis tentang perpisahan di surat itu adalah kebohongan! Ben, aku gak akan pernah rela liat kamu sama cewek lain. Aku bilang kalo aku akan bahagia dengan apapun pilihan kamu? Itu juga omong kosong. Aku cuman akan bahagia kalo kamu milih aku. I can't picture myself with the other guy, and I also can't picture you with the other girl."

Adriana membuang muka, lalu menghembuskan nafas berat.

"Heck, I tried to kill my feelings for you but guess what? My feelings for you won't die, it grows bigger and bigger every day. I wanted to forget you, but I ended up thinking about you all night long. Yes you were right about everything, I still love you and I will always do," ucap Adriana, dengan sebulir air mata yang telah jatuh membasahi pipinya.

"I tried to create defense from you, I tried to build a wall inside my heart, but as soon as I saw your face, it all shattered into pieces," ucap Adriana, hampir berbisik. "Are you satisfied, Ben? Are you satisfied about the fact that no matter how hard I try to forget you, I end up failing miserably?"

Sebuah senyum mengembang pada sudut bibir Ben.

"Syukurlah, ternyata aku belum terlambat," ujar Ben dengan senyum tulus.

"Belum terlambat kamu bilang? Udah lebih dari satu bulan sejak aku kirim surat itu lho," ujar Adriana.

"Catherine ripped it into pieces, and fortunately my secretary found it."

Raut wajah Adriana berubah, cemburu. "Your new secretary, huh? Is she pretty?"

Ben tertawa kecil. "Yes."

Kecemburuan semakin jelas tergambar pada wajah Adriana. "Prettier than me?"

"Physically or mentally?"

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