TWO|Boy Crazy.

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I woke up pretty late the next morning and had to rush through shower and breakfast. I was already ten minutes late to class when I got to school.

I quickly fetched my books from my locker and headed to my first class. Math.

"You're late miss Ryder." My math teacher said the moment I stepped in. Attention is something I so much hate, but I always seem to get it. About eighteen heads snapped up to look at me.

"Mierda!" I cursed in Spanish, rolling my eyes.

Miss Tina sent me a reprimanding look. She'd heard me say that a couple of times and I'm sure she now knows the meaning. I don't know how though. It's not like she knows the first thing about Spanish.

"Language Tess," She warned.

"Spanish," I smirked.

"Don't you dare sass me, miss."

I huffed out a breath, waved her off and started walking to my sit. I don't have the strength to deal with this-at least not on a Monday morning.

"Detention after school- one hour." Miss Tina said after me and I didn't even turn to give her the satisfaction of a glare. I was expecting a detention really. I get that almost everyday. It's a routine. I don't really have a good relationship with my teachers, so it's no surprise.

Halfway through maths, I zoned out. I could only see a blurry mass of writing on the board and all I could make out from what miss Tina was saying was blah blah blah. I hate math with a burning passion. And it's freaking double period.

Ivy, who was sitting by my right, slipped a paper onto my desk. I picked it up and looked at her. Her attention was directed at what's been taught. It read;

There's a new guy in school.  He's a hottie. Look behind you.

A smile broke on my lips. This girl is crazy.

Then I remembered yesterday night. The pretty blue eyed boy.

What if it's him?

I shook my head. It can't be him. I turned around until I was facing him. I scrunched up my face in disgust.

It's him.

Pretty boy. He's in Prescott high. And in my math class.

Hell! What other classes do we have together? How is it that I didn't even notice him when I walked in?

He smiled at me and leaned back in his chair, using his hand as a headrest.

"Hola." he said, but I was long captivated by his beauty. His skin perfectly tanned, light brown hair that cascades down his forehead, cassting a shadow over the beautiful blue eyes that I first noticed.  He was beautiful; Like a Greek God. His lashes were long and thick and-

"Are you checking me out?" His voice snapped me out of my trance.

"You wish," I scoffed and tore my gaze away from him. Miss Tina was explaining an exponential equation but I couldn't care less as I scribbled a reply for Ivy;

'There's a new guy in town'

I passed the piece of paper to her and a smile crept up to her lips. I swear this girl's weird; And boy crazy.

Morning classes went by really slowly and finally, the bell went off signalling lunch break. I was the first to leave the class. Ivy towed behind me to my locker.

"Spill!" Was the first thing she said to me. I pretended not to hear and headed to the cafeteria.

"Tess, don't you dare ignore me," Ivy said again, sending me one of her famous death glares.

"Fine. I'll tell you" I said finally, placing my lunch on our table. Mae walked up just in time. Now I don't have to tell the story twice.

And I told them everything that happened last night.

"Holy mother of discovery!" My two boy crazy friends shrieked; holding back their screams.

"He's seen you topless? I'm jealous" Ivy says, pouting. I scrunched up my face in disgust and utter disbelief. Why would she be jealous?

"He's your neighbour?-you're so lucky Tess." Mae added.

"Hold it you two. I'm not interested in this rude narcissistic asshole"

They blinked twice, as if I was stupid to say that.

"How do you know he's a narcissist?" Mae asked and I shrugged. "I just know it. He looks and talks like one."

"That reminds me, he's got detention after school as well," Ivy said and I choked on my milkshake, coughing like a maniac.

"You've got to be kidding me. Who gets detention on their first day of school anyway?"

"You" Mae deadpan.

How did I even forget that?

Detention with Asher stone is hell enough and now a cocky bastard is added to the list.

"This isn't fair," I whined. 

Ivy sent me a blank stare. "The boy is hot. What's your definition of fair anyway?"

"You two are forgetting something. I'm not boy crazy. I don't care that he's hot."

Ivy simply flicked her hand to dismiss me. "Just have fun Tess."

We finished lunch and headed out. I got the books I needed for physics and headed to class when I bumped into a stone hard chest. I looked up only to see pretty blue eyed boy. He wasn't alone though. Asher stone, Zane Hunter, and Noah Dixon were with him. A complete recipe for disaster.

"Watch where you're going shortie," Pretty boy said and a frown crossed my face. It's true that I'm short, but does he have to rub it in?

"Cabron!" I snapped at him and an amused smile fitted his lips.

"Ash, you didn't tell me she speaks Spanish."

"I thought you'd figured out she's a Spaniard." Ash replied.

Were they discussing me?

I hope not.

I opened my mouth to speak only to be interrupted by the bell. I said some profanities in Spanish before walking off to class. I heard a cat call and the voice I'll get used to hearing say "Nice ass"

I'll make sure I shove his words down his throat the next time he says something vulgar to me!

-   -    -    -   -   -   -   -    -    -    -    -    -    -

I honestly don't know the first thing about Spanish.





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