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Noah and I walked in, and like I thought, heads snapped up at our direction. People creep me out.

"Kitten, go sit with Zane over there while I get you a drink.." Noah said, breaking my thoughts.

"Ok...fruit juice please!" I stressed. I don't drink and I don't want him spiking my drink. He nodded with a grin before walking away.

I walked over to where Zane was sitting on a couch In the living room, where there was less people.

"Yo Tess. Come sit here.." Zane says, hitting the empty spot beside him.

"Have you seen Aidan?.." I asked Zane the moment I sat.

He arched a brow and gaped at me...

"What?!.." I ask..

"You're missing him already?..." I rolled my eyes at his stupid question.

"Why would I miss him?..."

"If you're not missing him...why don't you enjoy the party and forget about him for a bit..."

I huffed in frustration...."if you must know,..I just wanna kill Aidan!..."

I had barely shut my mouth when I heard him speak

"You look sexy when you're angry. But tell me, why do you wanna kill me?.."

I looked up at him, where he stood behind us. I made a move to hit him but I was slow. He gripped my wrist and smiled mockingly.

"Sorry princessa. But you're too slow..."

Just then, Noah  returned with my juice but before I could reach for it, Aidan snatched it from him.

Sneaky bastard!

I glared at him but it didn't have an effect on him whatsoever.

"Give it back...." I ordered.

"How about you take it yourself?..." Aidan challenged, and I stepped forward to get back my drink but he just gripped my wrist and wouldn't let me go.

"Let go Martinez..."

"What's the magic word?..." he asks, laughter evident in his voice. He didn't let me answer before he gulped down my drink.

When he was done, he let go and wrapped my fingers on the empty glass.

"That was refreshing. Thanks princessa!..."

My jaw met the floor and anger riled up in me. He's insane.

And lacks manners!

He smirked and walked away. Leaving me wanting to make his death slow and painful.

I sat back on the couch with way too much force than I intend.

"That was weird..." Zane commented and I ignored him.

"Don't be mad kitten. I can get you another drink..." Noah offered and I declined.

Fuck the drink.

I wanna kill someone!

"Ok then. How about I tell you jokes and cheer you up?..." Noah asked again and before I answer, Zane spoke.

"Not now Noah, please!..."

Noah ignored him and I just smiled. I actually don't care what Noah does right now.

I saw Asher making his way through the crowd towards where we were sitted. He would stop here and there to chat with people at the party.

"What's up Tess...." Ash said to me when he got to where we were.

PLAYING THE PLAYER : A Better Player.Where stories live. Discover now