TEN|Lunch and A Fight.

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That night, I made sure I called Ivy. At 11:30. She wasn't entirely happy with the fact that I disrupted her sleep, but who cares.....we had to talk.

"Ivy, why didn't you tell me? " I said the moment she picked up the call.

"Why didn't I tell you what?"

"Why didn't you tell me that that boy is asking you to be his girlfriend?"

Ivy was silent for a while. Probably thinking of what to say.

"Listen, I'm sorry Tess. I was gonna tell you really, maybe after we start dating, when I'm sure you can't do anything about it but accept him..."

I pitied her so much that I couldn't even get mad at what she just said....

"Why the hell would you wait till then before telling me this Ivy, it's not like I can stop you from doing what you want..."

Ivy sighed,...followed by a yawn. I was certain that she's tired and sleepy, but no one's getting an ounce of sleep unless we finish this talk.

"I know Tess. But it's just because I didn't like the way you sounded yesterday when I told you I gave him my contact. Just believe me, Aidan likes me for real.."

Alot of people have been rendering me speechless these days. Ivy inclusive.

"How on earth are you sure?--are you crazy?...."

"He told me that...."

"He said the same thing to all the girls he played Ivy, what makes you think you're any different?--What happened to listen but don't believe?"

She was silent for a while again,..then she spoke....

"Nothing. Tess just trust me on this. Please. Unless you want me to start thinking you're jealous...."

I blinked twice. Not sure if I heard Ivy correctly.

"Ivy, did you really say what I thought I heard?...." I had to ask, really. To be sure I wasn't hearing things.


Ok, she really did say that.

"Fine Ivy. I trust you and i'll let you do this, but only because I don't want you having crazy thoughts like the shit you blurted out. Where did that even come from?..."

I barely finished when the psychopath screamed,..it only means I would be getting that gut-shifting hug if we were together.

"I knew you'd say yes Tess. I love you so much..."

I just had to roll my eyes. It's as if I'm dealing with a six year old..."yeah....right..."

"And you totally can't guess this..."

I hate guessing games.


"Aidan invited me to sit with them at lunch on Monday...."

Yay life.

"Let me guess this. By them, you mean Aidan and his friends...and you're also gonna ditch Mae and I to sit with them..right?...." I don't even know why I asked. I already know what the answer is.

"Yup. But hey, you both can sit with us too if you want. I'm sure they won't mind... "

I already plan to do that even before she suggested it. She needs someone to keep an eye on her and make sure she doesn't do anything stupid. Like....


I was getting sleepy too, so we rounded up the conversation and hung up. Tomorrow's gonna be long day. Literally. 'Cause I already can't wait for Monday.

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