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The thing I hate about going to parties is you have to be  careful what you do, unless you're willing to be the gossip of the afternoon the next day at school.

Most of them at school are like cannibals, feeding off gossips and so they're always on the look out for what to gossip about, especially at parties.

I was more than surprised today when Mae walked up to me this morning at my locker to tell who the unlucky victim of gossip was.


And it's just few minutes past 8 in the morning. Two days after Asher's party.

"Kristen is spreading rumours about you and Aidan..." Mae said, causing me to stop what I was doing.

"What are you talking about?" I asked Mae and she rolled her eyes.

"Kristen's telling everyone that you were throwing yourself at Aidan at Asher's party. She said you wouldn't even give him breathing space...."

I blinked twice and my throat went dry. This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.

"What the hellis that supposed to mean?....How did she even know I was at the party?..." I managed to say after recovering from the shock.

Mae shrugged...."Apparently, She was there and maybe saw you with him...."

Mae had barely closed her mouth and  i quickly shut my locker and stormed off to find Kristen.  I know exactly where she'd be now.

I walked down the hall to the ladies' room. Someone obsessed with her looks,...she always made sure her make-up was perfec and would spend minutes in there before classes commence.

And I was right. She was in front of the mirror, dusting her face with powder. She smiled when she saw my reflection in the mirror and turned to face me.

"Good Morning sweetheart....Kristen said to me, her tone heavily laced with sarcasm.

I rolled my eyes and walked up to her.

"Drop the act Kristen. What do you think you're doing?.."

She creased her forehead, feigning ignorance....."What?..Can't I wear make-up anymore?.."

She asks, putting on an innocent face.

"What do you mean by 'I was throwing myself at Aidan and didn't even give him breathing space'..? You think everyone's like you?..."

I snapped at her and her face lit up.

"Oh My God! So that's why you're here.I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I guess I should've warned you that you'll be paying for interrupting our make out session on Sunday,..but What difference does it make anyway?..." She tilted her head and gave me a wicked smile before turning to face the mirror again.

I was confused.

What does she mean by 'I interrupted their makeup session'?..

"What do you mean?" I asked finally, wanting to understand what this is all about.

She turned to face me again,..putting back her lipstick into her purse.

"I meant to say,..Aidan and I were making out when you decided to show up. He went after you and never came back..." She explained to me as if I was stupid and couldn't understand something so simple.

"You were that girl?..."

I ask her, and Kristen shrugged....."yeah. Don't be surprised Tessa.....

"Tess..." I correct her..

She waved her hand dismissively,..."Whatever. I always get what I want.."

PLAYING THE PLAYER : A Better Player.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora