TWENTY-FOUR|The Good and The Pervert.

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I heard the doorbell and my heart jumped. It was 7:00 and I still didn't know what to wear. I answered the door anyway.

Aidan looked at me and creased his forehead..."you're not dressed?.." He asked and I bit my bottom lip...

"I don't know what to wear..." I answered.

He rolled his eyes and walked into the living room. He looked super sexy tonight.

"Show me what you've got.." he said finally and I went upstairs and brought down the clothes I'd heaped on my bed.

I dropped the pile of clothes on the couch and Aidan got to work, helping me find an outfit for the night.

After minutes of digging through my clothes, he brought up a short, plain, royal blue gown .

"There...go get dressed..." he ordered.

I sent him a blank stare..."you want me to wear that to Asher's party?.."

"Yes,..dummy. go get dressed!.."

"Did you just call me a dummy?..."

"I did..."


"And I'm not wearing THAT Aidan..."

He arched a brow and studied me..."and  why not?..."

"Cause that dress Is short!.."

Aidan let out an exasperated sigh before speaking..."Ryder, you'll shut up now and go get dressed.  And if you're not back in 10,..I'm leaving..."

"But Aidan..." I protest.

"No buts. Just move"

I rolled my eyes  as I almost drowned in frustration and took the dress to my room. I quickly changed and applied light make up, then went back down to meet Aidan, who was now sitted and playing games on his phone.

"I'm ready..." i announced, and he looked up. Then scrunched up his face.

"You look hideous. What's with the make up?..."

Geez. I felt the need to cry. This boy is so rude!

"Seriously Aidan. Am I that bad?..." I asked, as I looked myself over. I didn't see anything wrong with the way I was dressed.

Bloody Liar.

"No. I'm just joking princessa. The dress looks hot on you..." he said.
and winked at me.

I laughed at his antics.

I let mom know I was leaving and we left, finally.  

The moment we were out, my eyes searched for a car. I know Aidan didn't own one, but I thought he might have planned for a ride before now, right?

"Where's the car?..." I asked, and he arched a brow..

"What car?..."

"What? you know, THE car that's taking us to the party..."

"I never mentioned a car to you..did I?..."

I shook my head..."No,..but are we like gonna 'fly' to Asher's place?.."

He chuckled..."No sweetheart. We're not flying. She's gonna take us to Asher's..."

Aidan pointed out something, and I looked at the direction,..I didn't believe what I saw.

"That?..." I asked, pointing at the black Harley,  and he nodded.

"No way I'm riding on that're crazy....

.....and because it's a non-living thing Martinez, it's an IT.
.not a SHE....dumb ass..." I added.

Aidan shrugged and walked over to his motorcycle and hopped on..."suit yourself hun. But it's either this, or you stay home..."

I face palmed myself and walked over to meet Aidan..."listen Aidan. I've never rode on that thing before...."

"There's a first time for everything. Hop on now, we're late..." he cut me off.


Just great.

I sighed in defeat and said a quick prayer, then got on the motorcycle.

Aidan handed me his helmet...."I didn't know you had a motorcycle..." I said, as I fastened the helmet on my head.

"I didn't have it until last week..." he answered.

....You might want to hold on tight. Wrap your hands round my waist..." Aidan added.

"What?..." I queried

"I know you heard me loud and clear Ryder..."

I threw up my hands in the air and breathed out a laugh...."of course I did. What I want to know is why would I want to do that?...."

I'd barely closed my mouth when I instinctively wrapped my hands round his waist and buried my face in his jacket. We had hit the road and Aidan was moving at a speed that could possibly kill us...

"I warned you..." He shouted so I could hear from the breeze blowing.

I didn't dare look up, and before I knew it, I was screaming and begging Aidan to slow down.

"Aidan please slow down...." I yelled and he just laughed and ignored me.

After what seemed to be an eternity, but was actually only 15minutes, we pulled up in front of Asher's house, where cars were parked and music was blasting.

"Let go of my jacket and get off my motorcycle..." Aidan ordered, and that was when I put up my head. I let go of him and got down, my legs wobbling.

"You'll pay for this Martinez..." I said through gritted teeth and he shook his head mockingly...

"What can you do to me Princessa? can't even stand on your feet..." The cocky bastard taunted and started to walk into Asher's house. But then he turned to face me...

"Why are you holding up your dress? You like revealing your thighs to me?..." Aidan smirked, and I looked down, I didn't even realize that I was holding up my dress. I blushed and looked up to lash out at him, but he was gone.

"Aidan!.." I called out to him but no one answered. He had probably walked in and left me all by myself.  The thought of having to walk in alone and have people stare at me, made me sick.

"I'll kill you Martinez. I swear it..Just wait until I find you.." I said through gritted teeth. I was so angry I could let out my anger on anyone.

"You can hit me a little to subside your anger. Just before you find Aidan...." A voice said behind me, and I turned quickly. Only to see Noah.

I sighed for relief and frustration.  Relief, because it was Noah,..and frustration because Noah still.

Crazy much?..

"You're here too?..." I asked Noah, who had the biggest smile on his face. I don't even know what I'm's Asher's freaking party... So Noah will definitely not miss it.

"Yes kitten,'s Asher's party. I can't miss it..." he says,..rocking on the balls of his feet.

"I figured..." I mumbled.

"C'mon,...let's go join in the fun..." Noah says,..extending his hand to me. I nodded and took his hand in mine and we walked in.

Happy that I didn't have to walk in alone.

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PLAYING THE PLAYER : A Better Player.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin