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Four pairs of eyes....which makes that eight eyes stared at me. Brown, green, grey, and the mesmerizing blue eyes.

The brown belonged to Noah Dixon, the green;  Zane Hunter, and the grey; Asher Stone. I guess we all know who the blue eyes belong to-

Spanish hottie, Mr. What'sHisName, one with beautiful pink lips, brown hair, and-

"Come in miss Ryder," Mr. Nigel's voice snapped me out of my reverie.

"Oh, right away."

I walked on to Mr. Nigel's desk, feeling mortified. It's a miracle that I didn't drool.

"Here, take this and work on it,"

Mr. Nigel handed me a slip and I read out the words:

"Write an essay, not less than 1000 words on ways you intend to improve your behavior."

I burst out laughing,...wiping an imaginary tear. I looked over at the boys, they were still staring at me, their facial expressions blank.

"Take a seat miss Ryder, that's your punishment today."

I stopped laughing when mr.Nigel said that.

"Sure. Right away."

I said and walked up to my seat. Far from the boys. I stared at my slip, chewing the butt of my pen, and thinking. No, not thinking of what to write, but thinking of how dense these people are. Who says I wanna  'improve my behaviour'? I personally think they should improve on ways they behave towards me.

Then out of the blue, something hit me. I looked down and saw a ball of paper,..then my eyes moved to the boys. Mr. What'sHisName had a lopsided smirk playing on his lips. That told me he did 'it'.

"Why the hell did you that?" I snapped at him, my tone icy.

"You're so rude you know," he started.

"-can't you even say thank you? I helped you on that test you were clearly gonna get an F on if I hadn't stepped in."

My jaw automatically met the floor. He's proud. But he has a point.

I huffed.

"Look, i'm sorry. It skipped my mind,"

"So?" He asked.


"Say it!" His voice was laced with authority. He got up from where he sat and took a seat  next to mine.

Too close for my comfort.

I hate him.

"Thank you"

I looked over at him. He shrugged.


Zane got up from his seat too and took the seat behind me. I was suffocating, but didn't say anything. I tapped my fingers on my desk,..waiting for the boys to leave, but it never happened. I tried thinking of what to write-to burn time- but its hard to do when I'm surrounded by 'gods'.

Instead, I received a shocker.

"Hey Ash, look over here. She's putting up a show for me."

Pretty boy said and I looked at him, creasing my forehead.  He wiggled his brows and pointed down.

I looked down to see that my skirt had rode up, exposing my thighs. I pulled it down and huffed in frustration.

I wanted to hit someone. And by someone, I mean pretty boy.

"You're mean...just dejame empas"

I shouted at pretty boy and he flinched.

"Feisty. I think I like you already." He says, smiling genuinely for the first time since I met him.

PLAYING THE PLAYER : A Better Player.Where stories live. Discover now