ELEVEN|Second Part Of An Apology.

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I got home feeling tired and decided to take a nap. About 10minutes later, the sound of pebbles hitting my window woke me up. I was furious, then I saw Aidan sitting on his window, ready to throw another pebble. I got up and opened my window.

"Why the hell are you doing that?" I asked him and he arched a brow.


"Why were you throwing pebbles at my window?..."

"Oh...- he started, smiling mischievously.

....you looked peaceful,..so I.."

".....decided to disrupt my peace." I finished for him and he nodded. I face palmed myself in frustration before speaking again.

"Aidan, do I have to tell you everything? It's called sleeping, you should definitely try it sometime"

The way he looked at me, pretending to be amused, was so annoying. "Oh really? I'll definitely try it. At least you're not as stupid as I thought you were"

Did he just call me stupid?

"What did you say?"

"I said you're sexy...."  I stared at him but decided not to argue. It's not like I'd be able to make him repeat what he said if he doesn't want to.

"How's your boyfriend?..."Aidan asked and I didn't even look up at him.

"He's fine. No thanks to you...."

He scoffed..."I knew you'd blame me for the fight. After all, he's your principe azul (prince charming).."

He sounded really angry. I looked up and met his eyes,...then he continued.
"I'm even surprised you two are still together. I thought you'd dump him after embarrassing in front of everyone like that. I guess you're more stupid than I ever thought possible...."

That was it! I've had enough of him thrashing words at me.

"I wouldn't dump Flynn because of what happened today, not everyone is like you, you know. And if anything, he was saying the truth. You're not some rich boy, you're a middle-class, why does it make you angry to hear the truth?..."

Aidan stared at me, trying hard to keep his anger under check.

"Fine. Your boyfriend was saying the truth princess. What makes you think you're any different from me?-you're a middle-class too..."

"Yes I am, and I'm not complaining. I also didn't ask you to explain any of that to me....

I paused to breath,..then I remembered he called me stupid.

.....and you really think I'm stupid.."

He rolled his eyes as if it's something clear that I couldn't understand.

"I don't think, princess. I know. You proved your stupidity today. You don't even understand when someone insults you...."

"....and I don't want you explaining that to me too Aidan. You've made your point clear. I'm stupid. I get it. Gracias (thank you)...'

It's just pointless arguing with this boy. He'll say anything to prove that he's right and you're wrong. And I just don't have the time for that.

"You're welcome princess!...." Aidan said with a hint of sarcasm before walking out of his room.

It's a good thing he's gone. I needed to be left alone, to get lost in my own thoughts.

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤

Later that night, around 9:15, Aidan returned from wherever it is he went to. I was working on this chemistry assignment.

"Hey princessa...." He called to me, as if nothing happened before he left. I gawked at him,..and he just stood there, calm and collected.

I broke off the stare and resumed my work. But knowing Aidan, he wouldn't stop unless he gets me to speak.

"Am I so handsome I rendered you speechless?..."

Qué chistoso (how funny).

"Fuck off Martinez..." I snapped.

"Are you still mad at me?-seriously?..."

He's asking me that? Well, I'll answer him.

"It's not like you're the one labeled as stupid...." I've stopped writing now, and walked up to the window.

"Listen,...I didn't mean it like that...." Aidan began, but I cut him off...

"Really? Does stupid have any other meaning than what I understand it to be?- Surprise me genius, what did you mean?....."

He was stunned by the way I spoke. I guess he really did think of me as stupid. He tried talking but nothing came out.

He combed his fingers through his hair in frustration...."ok fine. I shouldn't have said that to you..."

"Are you saying sorry?..."

He thought for a while...."..in a way..."

I needed to hear the words.

"Say it...."

"What?..." He asked.

"Sorry....." I answered bluntly.

"Tess, just thinking of the  'S' word makes me cringe. What  do you need it for?..."

All my life, I've never met anyone like him.

"Would it kill you to say it?...."

And the idiot nodded.

"So you're not gonna say it?...."

"Nope...." He answered.

I took in deep breaths to calm myself. I've been doing this alot since Aidan surfaced in my life.

"An apology has three parts Aidan. The first part is where you own up to your mistake. Second part, you say sorry. And lastly, you make up for the mistake..."

Don't ask me. I don't know why I'm lecturing him about this. But he needs to know, and I needed to hear that sorry.

"Really princess?...No one's ever told me that. But now that I know, i'll make it up to you,..since I've already owned up....."

I wanted to strangle Aidan when he said that. What the heck happened to the part where he says sorry?

" You can just say sorry, and forget the making-up-to-me part...."

"No. Gracias..."

Okay. I give up trying. And I felt I could forgive him for even owning up to his mistake. It must be pretty hard for him. Seeing that his ego is like a giant burden on his head, which he doesn't even notice.

"Okay Martinez. I forgive you. But just this once..."

Aidan shot me a boyish grin...."Thanks Princessa...."

And that was a surprise, coming from Aidan.

I excused myself and got back to my assignment. And that's like the second....

.....no, third time we're having a fight in 4weeks.

Yay life.

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