TWENTY-SIX|The Project.

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She kissed me. I don't understand why she would do that, especially not after what happened today.

Maybe it's cause of what I'm thinking.

Maybe she likes me.

Scratch that thought. I know she doesn't. I stood there wide eyed and watched her get into the house.

This girl is something. I didn't mean it when I said a 'kiss' is what helps me sleep. But I'm not gonna lie...

I liked it.

A smile broke on my lips.

I got home and headed to my room,..freshend up and got ready for the night. I lay on my bed but couldn't sleep.

I kept thinking of random things.

Mostly of her....

Her kiss.....

Stop thinking.

She can be sweet and sometimes stupid. Mostly stupid though.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts,...I had better things to think about.

Like that physics project.....


I know I'll be the one to do that project. Tess won't do it. I know that.

And even if she does it,..twill probably get us an F. The project is due on Monday, I still have two days to do it.

I'll start tomorrow.

I shut down my thoughts and drifted to sleep.

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤


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Ivy and I walked to our first class Monday morning. I told her what happened that led to Aidan kissing me on Friday. And what he said at detention and how he apologized.

She had a hard time believing that HE apologized.

"Just don't let him trick you Tess. Remember, he's the bad guy..." Ivy said, stressing the last bit of her sentence.

"I know Ivy. I know..."

She did a thumbs up..."good..."

"Tess,..I'm so excited about the project. I can't wait for you to see ours...." Ivy shrieked and I froze midstep....

I am dead meat!....

Aidan's gonna kill me....

"Why did you stop?..what's wrong..." Ivy asked when she noticed I had stopped walking.

"Ivy, I didn't do our project!..." I shouted,..close to tears. That earned me glares from people in the hallway. I don't care about that.

"What? didn't?....weren't you paired with Aidan for the project?"..

"I was. He fucking told me to do the project for Us...." I explained.


"He said that's the way I'll make up for making him wait the other day..."

Ivy burst out laughing..."geez. It sucks to be you..."

My jaw dropped..Ivy's mean.

"Some friend you are..."

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