THREE|The Test.

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I stared down at the test slip on my desk. The questions all seem foreign to me.

There was a question on efficiency of machine; the last thing Zach taught me yesterday. I got to work trying to solve the question; but stopped halfway when I realized that the value of mechanical accuracy was not given.

Twenty-five minutes have passed. I looked around me, everyone was busy working out this test.

Except pretty boy.

"Hola princessa,"

He said to me.

I get it, you're tryna tell me you're a Spaniard.

"Why aren't you writing?" I found myself asking, even though I've been planning of ways to kill him for the past twenty-five minutes.

"I'm done with it." came his reply.
I couldn't believe what I heard. I mean is that even possible?

My jaw met the floor and he chuckled. Very sexy.

"Honey close your mouth. Don't be surprised, I'm cool like that"

Oh, how I hate this boy.

I turned away from him and looked at the clock and I had like only fifteen minutes before this test was over...and all I've done is solved halfway for all five questions.

"Hey Tess,"

I heard his annoying voice say.

"What now idiot?" I snapped at him and he put up his hands in the air.

"Whoa, sorry princess. I was gonna help you finish up your work but I've changed my mind."

I opened my mouth to speak but Mr. Vann walked up to my desk.

"You're disturbing my class miss Ryder, and You're yet to finish your work,

He paused to glance at my slip.

You have less than fifteen minutes."

As if i don't know that.

The minute Mr. Vann walked away, I turned to face pretty boy.

"Please help me out," I said in a whisper, staring into his blue orbs.

He shrugged casually, then leaned in to erase his name on his slip. He handed his slip to me and I gave him mine.

Thank God Mr. Vann didn't see that.

I scanned the slip I was holding. He'd answered all five questions neatly. I smiled and wrote my name where his was minutes ago.

The minutes rounded up quickly and it was time to submit.

I stood up too, feeling uneasy.

What if they're wrong?

Oh fuck that!

I turned around to face pretty boy just as he was dropping his pen.

He's done?

"Pretty boy, you're done?..."

A smug smile fitted his lips.

"Pretty boy huh? So you think I'm pretty?"

Did I say that out?


I blushed a bright pink color.

Pretty boy brushed past me and submitted his-

No, my slip which we exchanged and he left the class.

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