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Ivy drove me home and I told her what I had planned on the way. She liked it so much and was excited about the whole thing.

"You're a lifesaver Tee,...I really don't know what I'd do without you,..."

"It's alright Ivy. I know you'd do same if it were me...."

I made to go out the car but Ivy stopped me......"wait Tess,..."


"I know you must have had a fight with Aidan over this, how exactly do you intend to make him fall in love with you?,...You know, it's easier said than done....."

I just nodded. "I know Ivy. I don't have a plan. But I know i'll think of something. For now, I just have to make up with him..."

I cringed at the thought of making up with Aidan. It's the last thing I wanna do, but I have no choice. The whole revenge mission depends on that.

"Okay then, anything you say. Thanks again..."

Ivy drove off and I walked into the house. I went up to my room to freshen up and take a nap. After which I'll go see Aidan. The sooner we get this shit done, the better.

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤

I woke up at 5:30 in the evening. I was sure Aidan would be home by then, it's like he never goes anywhere.

Mom was out working long hours as always, and Zach was just doing the one thing he knows best.....

Playing video games.

I quietly left the house without a word and went up to Aidan's porch. I pressed the doorbell and Nora answered shortly after...

"Hola Nora,..." I said to Aidan's mom and she replied with her Colgate worthy smiled.

"Hola Tess. You must be here to see Aidan?...."


"Well then, come in. I'll go get him..."

Nora ushered me into the house and went up to tell Aidan I was here. He came down shortly after and plopped himself on the couch.

With Nora in the kitchen, I felt free conversing with Aidan.

"Why are you here Ryder?...." Aidan asked, without even glancing at me. I crossed my fingers hoping that the lies I'm about to spit out roll off smoothly on my tongue. Lying isn't something I excel at.

"Aidan,..I came to say sorry about the way I behaved with you today. I really wasn't thinking. I was so angry......

I paused briefly to think of what more to say

...... It's like you said; it's a free world, one can do whatever he/she wants. This is your life and breaking Ivy's heart was something you made up your mind to do. I shouldn't hold you up for it. And now that I've thought about it,'s almost all her fault all of this happened, and.....

"That's okay princessa. Say no more...." Aidan cut me off. I'm glad he did, 'cause I have no idea what I was gonna say after that.

.....I get it. You're sorry. It's no problem at all, never took it to heart...."

He stood up and walked up to where I was standing....

"Are we friends then?....."

I forced a smile...."Yes Martinez. I have to go now..."

I said bye and left the house, thinking of what Nora had said the first time mom and I went to their house.

'You're gonna break so many hearts'

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