SEVEN|Test Grades.

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"What the fuck!..." I shouted as I took in the scene before me,...startling Kristen. She jumped up and started looking for what I presume to be her top. I saw it lying on the carpet and I held it up...

"Are you looking for this? "

Kristen looked up at me, forcing a smile... "Yes,...thanks"

I scrunched up my face in disgust and shifted my gaze to Zach, who was now staring at me wide-eyed.

"I'm. Telling. Mom. " I made sure I stretched each syllable. He opened his mouth to speak but I cut him off even before he starts blabbing....

"Wear your shirt first...." Zach did as I told him. All this while Kristen was shooting daggers at me, but I simply ignored her presence.

"Tess, you can't tell mom...."

"Why?..." I asked Zach, arching a brow, looking from him to Kristen and back to him.

"You just can't,...



I shrugged...."Ok. But only if you do what I tell you "

Zach looked over at Kristen,..then at me..."fine,..what do you want?"

"Make your slut leave. Now. "

That sent his jaw slacking.

"What did you tell him to do?" Kristen asked me, not sure if she heard me correctly. 

"I know you heard me. Zach are you gonna do what I asked you to or should I phone mom?" I held up my phone, threatening Zach.

He huffed, then walked up to me.

"Tess please, tell me to do something else. It won't be nice to tell her to leave"

I roll my eyes...."I know it's not nice. And it's not like I'm forcing you to do it. I'm just saying that if you don't do it, i'll phone mom right now and tell her. Simple! "

Kristen was boiling in anger now. She picked up her things and started towards the door. If looks could kill, I'd be 6ft in the earth by now. 

"Kristen wait...." Zach called to her and she stopped.

"I'm Sorry..."

He said to her and she pushed him aside.

"Don't you dare say that to me! You were just standing there watching your sister insult me. Imbécile (fool)!"

And with that, she stormed off. Zach turned to face me...

"Way to go sister!...."

"You're welcome brother."

"Seriously Tess, what did you do that for?...Kristen likes you but I don't understand you, why do you hate her so much?"

Wow. Me got a douche for a brother.

"Do I need a reason to hate someone. Ok, here's one, she's a slut"

I smiled at him and he shook his head.
"Stop calling her that..."

"But we both know  that's what she is..."

"She's Not...."



"Forget it,..I give up trying to convince you. You can believe whatever you want to."

I left Zach standing and walked up to my room. I got what I want. That's all that matters. He can think whatever he wants to. I just don't care.

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤

"Kids, we have new neighbors, did you notice?"

Mom was saying at breakfast the next morning.

"Uh...yes,...Tess and I...." Zach started and I kicked him under the table.

"No. He meant to say no. What are they like?" I asked mom, feigning ignorance and avoiding Zach's eyes.

"How would I know?-I only saw a boy coming out of the house yesterday when I returned from work. We'll go see them and welcome them to the neighbourhood on Saturday."

Mom said and I coughed. She always does this annoying welcome them to the neighbourhood  thing  and it freaking gets on my nerves. And I'm sure we're the only ones that do it.

Zach gets to decide whether he's coming or not, but me; I don't have a choice. What I despise the most is the idea of baking cookies for the new  neighbors.

"Bye mom. See you later" I kissed her cheek and picked up my backpack.

"Bye hun. Stay safe and out of trouble" Mom said after me. She knows me too well.

I was nervous as I entered school that morning, for two reasons.

One, I'll have to face Kristen. Sure, I know she'd confront me, after what I did yesterday, but I wasn't scared of her.

And secondly, we're getting our physics test slips today!

I had chemistry practical that morning, but I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing and ended up breaking a test tube and a pipette.

Which earned me detention. I know this already, 'twill take a miracle for me to pass a day without detention. Next was English, but all I did was count the minutes on the clock. And after what seemed to be eternity, the bell rang for physics.

I walked up to my physics class, my heart beating twice as fast, and took my seat-the one in front of Aidan.

"Buenas días princessa (good morning princess)." Aidan greeted and I ignored him. He's getting the silent treatment.

Mr. Vann cleared his throat to get our attention, holding up our test slips, then he began to talk.

"I must commend you all for a job Weldon. You did well in the test,....

He paused and looked at me.

.....except a few".

My heart sank deep into the pit of my stomach. He started distributing the slips....

1st row....



And finally,...

The 4th row.

He gave my slip first,..then the rest of the people on that row. My fingers were crossed, my heart thumping in my chest.

"Miss Ryder, see me after class" Mr. Vann said to me before walking back to his desk. I was having a debate with my inner self on whether or not to check my slip.

"C'mon Tess, look at it" Aidan was leaning so close I could feel his breathing on my neck.

I took in deep breaths,....

Then a sneaky peak at my slip....

I shrieked with excitement when I saw IT,....

Staring back at me was a big red A.

With a plus,...

An  A+......

-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -

This isn't the best way to end a chapter, I know. Whatevs.

So uhm,...the first part of this chapter is just like a filler,....I'm gonna use it later in the story.

See y'all in the next chapter.

Don't forget to






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