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I walked up to Aidan, where he was leaning on a tree. Wearing shades, smoking, and looking up at the sky. His hand buried in his pocket.

I stared at him in disgust,..then he looked down at me. He removed his shades and puffed a ring of smoke in my face, making me cough.

"Staring is not polite princessa" He said to me then resumed staring at the sky. I don't know what he's looking at up there.

"Fuck Aidan! You smoke?!"  

He took his time before looking at me again,...

"Fuck Tess! You don't smoke?" He said to me in a high pitched girly  voice. I rolled my eyes at how stupid and childish this boy is.

"Listen Aidan, I came to say something to you" I started and he stood straight and draped his hand on my shoulder.

"What do you wanna talk about sweetheart?-I thought I was getting the silent treatment?"

He reached out to push a lock of hair away from my face,.....I slapped his hand away.

"Don't touch me..."

Aidan backed out, putting up his hands and smiling.

I let out a sigh..."I.....I just wanted to thank you once again for helping me on that test. I really never dreamed of getting an A, not to talk of an A+ on a physics test. And I owe it all to you" I finished up and Aidan shrugged casually, as if he'd been expecting me to say this.

"I know right. But I thought you were gonna hug or kiss me-that's how girls say thank you, right?"

I sent him a blank stare

"You wish..."

I turned to leave, wanting to get away from him but Aidan held me back, forcing me to turn to face him.

"What now?!..." I snapped.

"Tess, since I helped you on that test. Can we at least be friends now?"

I thought for a while,...it really doesn't seem like a bad idea.  Plus, I was dying to leave.

"If I accept to be your friend, will you let go of my hand?"

Aidan nodded,...then smiled. A sensible smile.

"Fine then. I accept to be friends with you."

And he let go of my hand. I didn't even glance back once as I walked away.

.....only to bump into Kristen.

"If it isn't the spoilt brat...." Kristen started, smiling slyly. I took in deep breaths to calm myself, and tried to walk past her but she pushed me back....

"Where do you think you're going princess?" The smile on her face had disappeared now.

"What do you want from me Kristen?"

"What did you say bitch? -what do I want from you?"

A bitch calling me a bitch is just something I cannot stand.

"Don't you dare call me that ever again Kristen. Or I'll force you to eat your words"

Kristen stared at me wide-eyed. Clearly surprised that I shot back at her,... then she laughed. I don't get what's funny though.

"Wow Tess. Since when did you learn to talk like this?-Tell me, have you been taking lessons?..."

"Kristen, I don't have the time for all of this. So please, excuse me. I get it, you're just bitter about what I did yesterday, but there's nothing you can do about it. Just deal with it..."

The anger that filled her was spilling over. She raised a hand to slap me but I was quick to hold her hand.

"Don't you dare make the mistake of hitting me Kristen. You won't get away with it"

She writhed and freed her hand from my grip, fuming and glaring at me.

"By the way, you're wearing a nice shade of slut today"

I smiled slyly, like she did before and brushed past her, leaving her to drown in anger.

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤

Couple o' weeks later.

It's 4 weeks now since Aidan enrolled at Prescott high. And we've been friends for two weeks . Not that I'm all into the friendship thing. Aidan isn't exactly my kind of person, but he isn't so bad.

Or so I thought.

In this 4 weeks, the number of girls swooning over him was alarming. What's annoying is the fact that Ivy is one of those girls. And he took advantage of them. In 4 weeks, he's had exactly three exes.

He'd date a girl for a week, and dump her the next. Or even the moment he gets what he wants. Or when he's certain that he won't get what he wants.

Their bodies.

What's stupid is how the girls think he'd treat them differently from the previous girl.

His recent game was this French girl, Claudette. And now she's the gossip of the afternoon.

Ivy and I were standing by the fountain after school, waiting for Mae, when Ivy shocked me.

"Did I tell you?--Aidan asked for my  cell number today"

I stared at Ivy as if she'd just escaped from an asylum, totally dumbstruck.

"What?.." Ivy asked

"When did this happen? Where was I?" I asked finally, after recovery from the shock.

"Today. We had biology together. He's a nice guy you know" Ivy was smiling like a loon.

"O.....K. Let me guess, you gave him, didn't you?"

"As if you don't know that I like him"

I face-palmed myself. That's the most stupid thing Ivy has ever done. It might just be the worst mistake of her life too.

"Why the hell did you do that?" I asked finally and she thought for a while, then shrugged.

"I like him?..."

My first instinct was to tell Ivy all i've foreseen. You know;

Aidan's gonna date you for a week or even less, depending on when he gets what he's after, ..and then dump you. In one word, he's gonna'play' you.

But after thinking twice, I realized that I don't even know why he needs her contact. And it might not be anything like what I imagined. So I decided to let it go.

"Okay....." I said instead.

And anyways, if Ivy puts her mind to something, there's no stopping her. I just have to wait and see what happens next.

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I'm updating five chapters today. This is the 3rd. Be sure to read the others.

And don't forget to;





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