FIFTEEN|Hanging With The boys.

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I stayed in my room, dying of boredom. No phone, no system, no nothing. Plus, I'm not even allowed to leave my room. And I didn't know when I dozed off.

It wasn't for long though. I woke up to the sound of something tapping my window.


I don't need to be told who the killjoy is. But unfortunately, he wasn't the only one. Staring back at me were four pairs of eyes. Aidan, Ash, Noah and Zane.

"Why the hell do you keep doing that?" I snapped at Aidan. Completely ignoring the boys.

Aidan arched a brow....."Doing what?"

"Disrupting my sleep..."

He shrugged nonchalantly...."you looked pretty ugly and it hurts my eyes watching you...."

What a nice thing to say.

"You could have just looked away you know..."

He took a long swig of the contents of the bottle he was holding...

"I didn't want to...." he replied.

My eyes scanned the bottle....


"You drink?...."

He stared at me briefly...."It's legal....I'm 18"

"You don't drink?...." Ash chipped in and I looked at him....

"Is that a bad thing?...."

"No...I just think you're boring..."

I sent him a blank stare and decided not to say anything. If I did speak, I'd say something extremely rude,...

And I wasn't up for that this night.

"Why were you sleeping this early. It's barely 8:30...." Zane asked.

"I'm grounded...." I replied blankly.

Aidan spit out his drink.

"Wow. You make me feel like a good boy...." he says.

I arched a brow. "what do you mean?"

"You get detention every fucking day at school,....and you get grounded at home. How do you even do that. I'm jealous....."

I just roll my eyes.

"Maybe 'cause she swears too much...." Noah offered.


"Noah,...I'm just gonna pretend I didn't hear that...."

"So tell us,...what earned you this punishment?..." Aidan asked, sitting on his window. ...

I shrugged..."I got grounded for saying what I believe to be true..."

"Which is?..."Aidan asked and i told them everything.

"The sexy chica (girl) is your brother's girlfriend?......That's cool"

Aidan commented and I made a face...

"You think she's sexy?

"You know it's a fact princessa"

I rolled my eyes and waved him off.


The thing is, I'm not in the least surprised that Aidan thinks she's sexy (yes, she is)... they all are a bunch of perverted creatures.

" gonna stay in your room like this doing nothing for the whole week?..."

Asher asked and I huffed out a breath....."Yes,  Ash. That's the whole point of me being grounded.."

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