Chapter 5

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1 year later..........


I got my coffee from the cafe and walked to the subway station to my workplace. I have been working there for almost a year. It was great working there. The coworkers were kind to me, lucky me.

I walked up the subway station to my workplace. "Good morning!"

"You too!!"

I boarded the lift greeting my coworkers and others that are not in my department.

I got out of the lift at the 10th floor which I made my way to my office.

"Looking good as ever, Cha Eun ah ssi!"

"You too, Han Min Ji ssi"

Min Ji is my colleague and friend. She is actually the one that glared at me on the day of my interview and I thought that she was rude to me.

Turns out that she is actually a kind person. She is just cold on the outside, warm on the inside. She has always helped me, whether it is important or not.

I was the one that first reached out to her by asking her what drinks we wanted to drink. As interns was supposed to buy drinks for everyone in the department.

There were two interns in our department last year, me and Min Ji. As there were two interns, we have to buy drinks for everyone on alternative days in order to balance out our work as interns.

On the first day of work, I was the one that had to buy drinks. After asking everyone for their orders, Min Ji followed on her will to go with me and carry the drinks.

That is when she also started warming up to me. She was actually a kind and polite girl, completely different from my first impression of her.

Snap! Snap!

"EunAh, stoning again? It is like the 1000th time you done it. What are you thinking?"

I immediately snapped out of my thoughts and turned towards Min Ji who is snapping her fingers to get my attention.

"Huh? Ohh, nothing."

"Hey, have you heard the new intern that will be coming to work today?"

"Yea, do you wish for a guy or a girl to be our colleague? I bet you want a hot guy."

"Hmph, you know me too well. I seriously can't hide anything from you. I heard that the intern is around mid- 20s,isn't the intern too old for the job?"

"He or she must have the reason why he or she is starting work so late. Aren't you too nosy to be in the intern's affairs?"

"Women are supposed to gossip on every single thing they seen or heard."

"I know right."

"Min Ji ssi, Eun Ah ssi. Come take a look at the intern's face. He is in the manager's office."

I turned around and saw a lot of people surrounding the manager's office. Suddenly my tummy hurt a little. I needed to go to the toilet.

"Min Ji-ah, you can go first. I'm going to the toilet first."

"Huh, why do things always go wrong with you? Bad thing that you missed seeing the intern for the first time."

"It's okay, I will still see him later. We are working together in the same department."

"Yea, you were right."

I rushed off to the toilet.


That was good, getting all the waste out of my body. I walked back to the office and bumped into someone that is very tall. That made me fall down to the ground really hard. That really hurts. Luckily I'm wearing pants today or my panties would get exposed if I am wearing a skirt or a dress.

I could see the guy's feet turned around. "Miss, are you okay? That must hurt right. I'm sorry." He stretched out his hand.

I looked up and saw.





Sungyeol! Why is he here? Isn't he at somewhere else? I could see that he is shocked as well to see me.

I grabbed his hand and got up. I pointed my fingers at him. "Yah, Lee Sungyeol!! Why are you here?"

"That should be what I am supposed to say? What are you doing here?"

Everyone's attention were instantly on the two of us the second I shouted at him. Our manager noticed this and came in between the both of us.

"Ouhh, EunAh ssi. I bet that you haven't met him yet. He is the new intern in our department, Lee Sungyeol. Since you know him, why don't I put him under you so that he can learn things faster. Is that alright with you? Since you didn't say anything, I will take it as a yes. Everyone go back to your work. Meeting starts in 30 minutes."

"Come with me" I grabbed his hand out of the office.

I brought to the end of the corridor.

"Why are you doing here? After all you just vanished for 1 whole year and made me so angry at you. Where were you the past 1 year? Where do you go all these time?"

"Wait, one question at a time. This is too much for me to take."

"Okay, I will wait for you." I crossed my arms at him.

"Okay, first question. I am here to work, if then what else? Secondly I went to get my degree in a university in Daegu. I only graduated from there a month ago and I came back here. The second and third question are linked together. I'm sorry that I left all of a sudden just like that. I'm sorry."

"But how can you do this to me? I finally met you and you just left me like that. My own male friend just left me like that. If you are studying, you can just study in one of the universities here. Why must you go to somewhere that far?"

"This is the reason why, my family went bankrupt the year your family moved to the states. I had to take up 3 part time jobs once I started high school. It has been like more than 5 years since I started working part-time. The day that I met you in the breakfast store, my manager offered to pay for my expenses for my studies. That is how I got the chance to study again. If I want to study, I must study without any distractions. So that is why I broke off my contacts with you. I'm sorry that I haven't told you this. I didn't got the time to tell you. I'm sorry." He ruffled my head. I slapped his hand away.

"Don't expect me to forgive you so easily after making me so sad. You are expected to have lunch with me, no excuses for not going. Is that clear?"

I looked at him in the eye and walked away with him walking behind me. I secretly smiled behind him.

"Yes!!! Mdm!"

We Met Again / lee sungyeol (#3)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя