Chapter 16

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It was lunch time and I was starving as I didn't take my breakfast in the morning. So did SungYeol.

I was thinking of bringing him to the restaurant that I went with Oppa the other day. The food there is so delicious that I wanted to eat again.

"SungYeol-ah, what do you think of this restaurant?? I went there with Oppa the other day. Do you want to go there??" I asked him but he is not responding. What is he doing??

I stood up and went to him who is typing out a report that is supposed to be submitted today.

"SungYeol-ah...." I patted him on the shoulder and he turned around.

"Do you want to go to this restaurant I went--"

"EunAh?? Sorry, I have a report to be submitted by 3pm." He cut me off just like a knife. It hurts.

My heart sunken a little when he rejected me. My smile faded but I quickly forced myself to smile again.

"It's okay, there will always be a next time. I will just go to the convenience store down the street. Do you want anything else??" I tried to sound very happy.

"Triangle Kimbap Kimchi flavored and a sandwich. Any type would be fine." He said out his orders while backfacing me.

"OK, I will be back in a moment."

It's okay, Cha EunAh.... You can't be angry at him for this reason. He has work and it is important. Calm down...

I told myself while taking the lift down to the 1st floor. I made my way to the convenience store just opposite the company.

"Welcome!!" The staff said and I just slightly bowed as a sign of respect.

I made my way to the frozen aisle to get the triangle Kimbap and the sandwich that he requested. I then bought ramyeon for myself and made my way to the counter.

The staff scanned the items. "It would be 7,000 won please."

I paid for the items and went out of the convenience store taking out my phone at the same time to check the time.

It was 2.16pm, 6 minutes since I left the company. It would be good if I bought him coffee right.

I made my way to the cafe that we often go to and someone slightly brushed his shoulder against me and I slightly tripped forward. The person held onto my arm and I didn't sprain my ankle. Lucky me.

"Thank you...." I said to the person.

"It's my pleasure, Cha EunAh....." He said with a voice that is so familiar. He also knows my name, how the hell--

He looked at me, revealing his face to me. He is... Makoto Fujioka, the person that I have been avoiding all these years.

"Long time no see, how have you been??" He said and I yanked his arm off trying to walk away from him as far as possible. I can't be next to him or who knows what trouble would I be in??

How did he even know where I am?? Isn't he in jail??

I kept walking and walking not knowing where I should go to until...

"EunAh, are you alright??" Someone asked me putting his hands on my shoulder.

"Ahh!!!!" I shouted, finally revealing how afraid was I. I looked at the person. It was SungYeol. I am in the office already.

"EunAh, are you really ok?? What happened??" He repeated.

If I tell him about it now, he would just be more worried. He has more things to take care of. I can take care of this myself. I am already 26.

"It is just some bug that got onto my shirt, can you help me check whether it is still here or not??" I lied and pretended to be very scared.

"Eo, wait a second." He said and looked up and down for that 'bug' that I have been talking about.

Sorry that I can't tell you, it is my darkest secret. Please forgive me...

He got up after like 30 seconds and gave me a reassuring smile. "The bug
is gone already." He said and I hugged him tightly.

"I thought that I was a goner." I said still lying.

He laughed. "How can a bug kill you?? You must have watched too much movies about it." He gently flicked my forehead.

"I am too dramatic right?? Here's yours..." I gave him his food and he took it happily going back to his desk continuing to finish his report.

I just gently smiled and went to the pantry to cook my ramyeon. I placed the cup under the hot water and pressed the button which releases the hot water from inside.

Makoto Fujioka....Why is he back all of a sudden?? Isn't he serving in jail?? Did he get released early?? What will happen to me from now on?? What should I--

"If you are cooking noodles, better focus and not stone away. Your hands are going to be scalded." He took the cup of ramyeon away from the dispenser. I looked up to see a concerned Kim JaeJoong.

I reached for the cup of ramyeon and he raised it higher making me impossible to reach it.

"Just listen to what I have to say before you can eat your ramyeon." He said and I stopped reaching for it, wanting to listen to him for once.

"Good. Are you alright?? Who's that guy just now?? The one that bumped into you."

He saw the whole thing?? What should I say??

"A stranger, I don't even know him." I said looking away.

"Really?? Why does he seems like he knows you?? Just tell me the truth."

"Why must I tell you everything, Mr CEO?? Stay away from my affairs and concentrate on running the company." I said coldly taking the cup of ramyeon from his hands and walked away.

Why must he appear at this time when I am doing well in my life and all??

I walked back to my desk and ate my ramyeon alone as MinJi went out with some colleagues in the same department for lunch.

I looked at SungYeol who is still typing out his report. I kind of felt jealous when he focuses all his attention on the computer instead of me.

It is lunch time and we are supposed to be having dinner at the new restaurant and not in the office when I watch him typing out his report while eating my noodles on sadness.

"EunAh, mianhae..." I heard SungYeol said. I think that he noticed that I was feeling down.

"Mianhae?? For what??" I pretended to not sound too happy.

"For making you eat ramyeon in the office where you should be at some restaurant eating good food."

"Ah that?? It's nothing, it is not like I have never eaten noodles while working during lunch time."

"Don't go home immediately later, I'll bring you somewhere." He said, now looking straight at me.


"You would know when you get there... I'm sure that you would like it."

Better don't disappoint me....

We Met Again / lee sungyeol (#3)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن