Chapter 26

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I looked at my phone hoping that EunAh would pick up my call telling me that she is unable to come to work.

It is already noon and she is still not here for work, where could she be?? She is not picking up my calls or showing any signs that she is alive.

I hate to have latecomers in my company, but EunAh isn't someone that comes to work late that frequently. She is someone that would come to work smiling with a cup of coffee in her hand as she comes into work.

I see all this through the window every single day. I'm not a stalker for sure but I can't help but notice her actions, how she moved from one place to another. It is all very charming.

I have never looked through my window for the past 27 years because one - I'm afraid of heights and two - I can't be bothered looking at the people downstairs walking all over the place and I hate seeing people at the crown of their heads but for EunAh it is different. Even the crown of her head looks beautiful to me.

I know that I sound weird, but this is what you do when you are in love, every random thing that the person does just look different from what you normally see.

One thing that I just can't get why she chose that tall and childish intern that just quit yesterday. I admit that he looks handsome and he is someone that doesn't have a future.

He is someone that has a university degree at 25, 2 to 3 years later than anyone his age. He used to work part time jobs because he doesn't have a university degree and only studied till high school.

But when I decided to go undercover one day to see his living conditions, I was shocked. It is not because that he decided to drop out of school because he didn't want to study anymore. It is also not because he wanted to join the workforce as soon as possible.

He has to work to support his family who lost their sole breadwinner a few years ago due to cancer. He has a bedridden mother and an alcoholic older sister which I think that I have seen her somewhere but I'm not sure when. She looked exactly as the person that left such a strong first impression on me.

I met a woman when I am in college with the name Lee SungKyung and we met through a group blind date.

Coincidentally I picked her and we went on a few dates when I found that she didn't like me and only dated me because she was interested in my friend who went on the same blind date as me.

We stopped seeing each other and this is the last time I ever saw her. Maybe she is really the one that begs for money whenever she sees SungYeol to buy alcohol.

I looked at my phone one last time and decided to give up. Maybe she is really sick and couldn't get out of bed to answer my calls.

I sighed and got out of my room. Maybe SungYeol knows where EunAh is since the two were together last night.

I called his phone and he didn't pick up too. Where could he been??



I gulped down my saliva in my throat and licked my lips. I could feel that dry and chapped thin layer of skin on my lips. How long has it been??

10 hours?? 20 hours??

I still can't see anything due to my blindfold and I have been struggling to get it off but I couldn't because I was tied to a chair with my hands tied at the back.

I heard SungYeol's voice a few hours ago before I got knocked off a few minutes later by that bastard. I'm very sure that he is here but is he being kidnapped like me right now??

I heard the sounds of metals clanking against each other and I flinched at the sound. Must be that bastard, if not who else??

I tried to stop my hands from trembling but they can't. I am too scared of Makoto Fujioka but I can't be scared of him. I have to be strong.

His footsteps stopped behind me and he started doing something with my hands. I struggled to resist him but I couldn't, he is physically too strong. I screamed for help but he already gagged my mouth with a cloth.

Earlier, there wasn't a cloth so I could scream all I want but now that he knows me screaming would allow SungYeol to know that I am here and he would rescue me.

I felt my hands became a little loose from the rope and he untied me from the chair as well. I felt an arm on my back and another on the bottom of my thighs. I began floating in the air, he was carrying me.

"Stop fidgeting!! You are making my life even harder!!" I could hear him complain.

He tied me another chair and my hands were tied to the chair but now it is tied to the arms of the chair. He took my blindfold off and the cloth in my mouth.

I could finally see where I am, I am in an abandoned warehouse and there was a table in front of me. There was food on the table, bottles of water at the side. I guess that he wants to feed me now, I am not going to be killed so soon.

"Jagiya, good morning... Did you sleep last night??" He asked in such a disgusting voice that I thought that I had already puked out my breakfast even though I have not eaten anything for like 2 days.

There was a traditional calendar hung in the background so I know how long I was being kidnapped for.

"Why did you bring me here for??"

"The tone is a bit harsh, you should say 'Jagi, why are we here??' not WHY DID YOU BRING ME HERE FOR!!"  He stabbed the butter knife that he was holding on the surface of the table. Since when butter knives are that sharp??

"You should be nicer to your husband now that we are married. Today is our second day of marriage, Jagi."

"Since when are we even--" I looked at my left hand. There was a legitimate diamond ring on the ring finger. Are we really married??

Then about SungYeol??

I can't be any harsher to him now that he is now my 'husband'. I should be nicer to him, who knows he may release me and I would be able to go find SungYeol as soon as I am free.

He still loves me so he wouldn't do anything to me unless I requested for it.


"Yes, my Jagi??"

"Don't you think that a wedding ring is not enough to prove that we are husband and wife?? Why don't we have a wedding by today??"

Agree to it, you bastard...

He nodded after a long time of thinking and I smiled.

"You're the best, Makoto!!"

"Of course......NOT!!!!. 

"I know that you want to escape and I have already helped him escape." He said referring to SungYeol.

He has been freed?? To where??

"To another warehouse, far in the woods. You think that I am that stupid to not think about that??"

What should I do??


Fun Fact: This chapter is the first that has more narrations than dialogues ever written in Taekwoonoppa's writing history.

OK, bye. I'm bored.

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