Chapter 32

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I got up as I had set an alarm and it went on for the past few times. I scratched my head and yawned before getting out of the bed. I had a good night rest as the bed is so soft.

I touched the bed with my hands. Actually, it is not that soft, maybe I'm comfortable around him??

I looked around, looking for the person that looks exactly like SungYeol. He is a bit weird, he is cold but caring at the same time.

And the fact that made me doubtful of him is that he asked me if I was ashamed of SungYeol being a part-timer and I an employee in a big company.

The truth is that...

I heard the front door opened and I immediately ran back to his bedroom pretending that I was still asleep. It would be so awkward seeing each other in the morning as I have no makeup on. I'm a potato when not wearing any makeup.

"Eh?? He's not in. Maybe he went to the market already??"

I opened my eyes when I realized that it was a female, could it be his girlfriend??

He's handsome so he would have people chasing after him right??

But the voice... I heard it somewhere before.

That person made a phone call while walking around the kitchen in high heels, that's why I knew where she is.

"Yah!! Lee SungYeol!! Are you still at the market??"

That made me shoot up in bed. That bastard, he lied to me.

I ran to the kitchen and his sister was raiding the fridge for food. She saw me and gasped. She was definitely not expecting me at her brother's house.

"Buy me some stuff before then and don't come back before 8." She said before ending the call.

"Why... You..." She paused for a moment to gather her thoughts. "You knew all about it??"

"Of course, so your whole family has been lying to me all along for the past few months, telling me that you don't know where he is when you visit him every now and then." I said, my anger rising up bit by bit every second.

How dare he do this to me...

"Before you start to rage, sit down and listen to what I have to say. Please don't get mad at me..." She said bringing me to the couch.

It better not is something nonsensical...



I stared at her serving the customers on the ground floor.

Why is she still here??

I know that I wanted her to go home as soon as she wakes up but one part of me wants her to stay with me forever.

I looked at her and she smiled.

"Good Morning, JooWon ssi..."

"Why are you still here??"

"I saw that you needed help so I'm here to help you out for the day."

How long does she want to be here??


"Coming!!" She ran off to another table.

I tried to calm myself down and called my sister as soon as I get to the second floor.


"Noona, why did you not chase her away??"


We Met Again / lee sungyeol (#3)Where stories live. Discover now