Chapter 25

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I sat down on the pavement outside the cafe after being bored of standing. Where is SungYeol?? He told me that he would be arriving soon and he is still not here.

I walked into the cafe and bought a mocha for myself and latte in case Leo wants one. When I came out of the cafe, Leo's car is already waiting outside the cafe. I got into the car and gave him his latte.

"Thanks. Where's SungYeol??" He peeked out of the window for any sign of SungYeol being with me.

I shook his head. "He told me that he would be here soon and he is still not here yet."

"Try calling him. Apparently, we got bad news. That bastard left EunAh's phone in some garage hoping that we would go there. Only her phone is there and it is here with me now. Check if it's her." He handed me EunAh's phone and I took a closer look at it.

The phone had a password and if I remember correctly, she chose 0107 as her password, it is also her birthday. I unlocked the phone in a matter of a few seconds.

I checked through her messages to find out who she last contacted. There was a draft message under my contact. I clicked on my contact and nearly tore up upon seeing it.

Oppa, I'm leaving the club and I will be home--

Her last message to me that was never sent was to tell me that she was going to go home, a few seconds before she got abducted by that bastard.

"Is it her phone??"

I could only nod as I would start crying as soon as I open my mouth. I need to be strong for her so I can't cry. "What does it say??"

I calmed down before uttering a word. "S-she was going to send me a message but she didn't. She was texting me that she was about to leave the club and she got abducted at that time."

"Ok, got it. Call SungYeol now, we don't have much time to lose. It is going to be 12 hours soon after EunAh was abducted and we still hadn't made any progress." He handed me a piece of tissue paper with his right hand while driving with his left hand.

"How can you even take care of your future family if you are crying over such matters??" He's right, I would start a family in future and I can't be like this forever.

I nodded and wiped my tears with it. I called SungYeol but he didn't answer the call.

"He didn't answer??"

I nodded. "He normally answers my calls. He didn't text me either."

"Then he must be at somewhere else." He said and he stopped the car at the traffic lights. He placed his phone on the GPS device and searched something on his phone. Is he searching for SungYeol like that??

"Found it. I was right. He is now at some remote place as indicated on the phone. If I am not wrong, he is now in the same situation as EunAh now."

This can't be...

"Are you saying that SungYeol is being kidnapped too??"

"That is the only answer as he wouldn't go to some remote place for no reason." He said drinking his latte and called someone at the same time.

"Yeoboseyo?? Is officer Kim in right now??" He must be calling the police now to assist him but would it be safe??

"He is?? I have something to ask him urgently about."

"Send me a whole army of your people, I got a kidnapping case to take care of. I will send the address and be there on time. Victims may be more than one." He really did call.

"Taekwoon-ah, don't you think that an army of people is too many people??"

He shook his head. "Even though it is about 50 people but they move exactly like mice. They aren't just the regular policeman, half of them are very skilled in dealing with this kind of problems. Don't worry, you can trust your dear friend on that." He placed a reassuring arm on my shoulder. "Your sister and your future brother-in-law are in good hands."

He told me showing his reassuring smile and started driving again. I hope so....



I stood frozen in my position, not knowing what to do about it. My eyes were still covered with a cloth and I could hear the rusty metal laying around the place.

Then I heard the sounds of metals clanking against each other, someone is coming up here.

The footsteps are sounding more heavier and then it stopped. It must be standing in front of me.

"I didn't know that you were so brave to show yourself to me, Lee SungYeol. I thought that I had to use force but here you are."

That voice, he is Makoto Fujioka. He came closer and took off my blindfold and the cloth around my mouth. I can finally breathe normally.

"Where have you kept EunAh at??" I raised my voice at him.

"EunAh?? Is there such a person named EunAh?? You know her??"

"She is my girlfriend and she is definitely going to be my wife."

He threw the metal that he had in his hand. It hit my leg and I groaned, clenching my teeth. That guy sure has a temper.

"Shut up!! She is supposed to be my wife, not you. If only that didn't happen, everything would have done perfectly according to plan. It is because of Cha HakYeon, it is all because of him."

"Then kidnap him, why didn't you?? Oh I know, you are a coward because you were afraid that he might get you locked up like 5 years ago??"

"No, I'm not!! I am not a coward!! You are. You didn't take care of EunAh well enough. That's why EunAh broke up with you and decided to be with me."

I looked down. "Yes, I didn't take good care of EunAh that's why she hated me. I am a coward."

He came closer to me and grabbed my head. "That's the way, boy. Keep thinking that you are a coward."

His phone ringed and he answered.

"You want me to pick you up?? Now??"

He sighed and took a look at me. Must be Noona that is calling him.

"NOONA!! I'M BEING KIDNAPPED!! HELP ME!!" I shouted as loud as I can to make sure Noona hears my voice.

I just want someone to at least know my whereabouts, just someone.

He ended the call quickly and hit me on the head with the metal pole that he brought in with him.

Before I went unconscious, I heard someone screaming for help and knocked all the things. It is EunAh's voice. She is here.

We Met Again / lee sungyeol (#3)Where stories live. Discover now