Chapter 14

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I sat down on the bed holding my phone in one hand and snacks in another.

What's with him?? Is he that busy that he could ignore my 100 calls and 200 messages?? He definitely needs a scolding from his girlfriend.

I dialed his number and threw it on the bed, knowing that he wouldn't answer.

"Eo, EunAh?? What is it??" I heard his voice through the speaker. Finally he picks up my call after like 4 hours.

"Yah, Lee SungYeol?? Why did you not pick up my calls?? Where the heck have you gone to??"

"Calm down for a while, my phone died on me and I was charging my phone the whole time. Sorry that I didn't call you. Did anything bad happened??"

"Finally you asked that. Do you know that I was almost molested??"

"Where?? When?? Where is that bastard?? Where are you now?? I'll come find you."

"He is already long gone and I am already at home safe and sound."

"You're safe?? That's good, call me when you need help next time. Don't go out of the house without anyone by your side."

"I got it.... Then what about you?? Where have you been the past few hours??"

"Taking care of my mom of course. I-- Excuse me!!" I heard someone else in the background. It is a female.

"EunAh, talk to you later. I have something on...."

"Eo..... Yeoboseyo??" He had already hung up the call. What is it that he is so busy??

I threw my phone on the bed out of frustration. How dare he hang up my call just like that??

Lee SungYeol, you will be dead when you call me back later.....



"Excuse me!!!!" I heard the customer shouted from the snacks aisle.

I immediately covered my head over the speaker so that EunAh wouldn't hear anything.

"Yes, what is it??" I shouted back at the customer.

"The snacks that I want is at the top, can you help me get it??"

"Ok, wait a moment......."

"EunAh, talk to you later. I have something on...." I told EunAh and hung up the call. I went to help the customer after putting my phone in the pant pocket.

I got the snacks that the customer wanted and she paid for it.

"Thank you and come by again!!!" I said bowing to the customer leaving the convenience store.

Once the customer leaves, I immediately sat down on the chair trying to call EunAh back but she is not picking up.

I bet she is very angry at me hanging up her call. I know but I really had no choice so I took up another part time job without telling EunAh.

3 days ago.....

I got back home after a long day of work. When I was going to open the door with the key, I heard some commotion behind the door.

"Jebal, Omma. Just this once. I'll promise to return back the money this time. Really."

Isn't this voice Noona?? She is finally back home after 3 months. Where have she been these 3 months??

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