Chapter 31

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I immediately ran to him and gave him a tight hug. He didn't hug me back, why is that??

I released the hug and took a look at him. He's more skinny but muscular at the same time. The work that he does must have caused him to look like that.

My eyes watered and I punch him on the chest. "You bastard, why did you come here all alone?? You should've told me where you went to so that I wouldn't take so long to find you."

I continued to punch to relieve my stress. "Did you know how hard is it to find you?? You didn't pick up my calls or texts, you literally vanished. How can you do this to me??"

I cried in front of him and he is still like a statue, not even moving an inch.

"Yah!! Can't you answer my questions for once??"

"I want to but who the heck are you?? Why are you hugging me and hitting me??"

I suddenly stopped crying.


I wiped my tears away. "You don't remember who am I??"

He nodded. "I was going home and you just ran over and hugged me out of the blue. I was going to hit you but I didn't because you are a girl."

"You are not SungYeol?? SungYeol, Lee SungYeol??" I repeated.

He sounds and looks exactly like SungYeol but why did he say that he is not SungYeol??

"I don't know who the heck you are finding for but I really need to go home. I worked a whole day and I need to rest." He touched his shoulders. "If you still want to, go to the police station. They are the best at doing these things. Take care and goodbye." He started walking back to his house.

This can't do, I have to stop him no matter what.

I can't go home like that, it's too far and it would be dark soon. There will be no train rides at night and I came here by train.

I even pleaded my boss for a few days of leave as soon as I saw it from MinJi's newspaper and ran to the train station. I came all the way for this and I got this in return??

A choding that repeatedly tries to deny that he is indeed SungYeol.

"Wait!! Then what about this??" I took out a newspaper clipping from my handbag and showed it to him. "I can prove that the person that I'm talking about is you."

It is a newspaper article about SungYeol posing for a picture at a BBQ restaurant with a famous food critic from Seoul.

He looked at it and gave it back to him. "It is me but I'm certain that I'm not some Lee SungYeol that you have been talking about."

How can he still not admit it this point??

"Look at the bottom of the article and you would know what I am talking about??"

I looked at the part that he pointed to and awkwardly laughed.

He is not SungYeol. He is Shin Joowon.

"Then why do you look so much like him?? You look exactly like him."

"That's just a coincidence, I just know that I am definitely more handsome than him. Miss, I really suggest that you go back home when you can. The last train is at 6.52 pm today." He looked at his phone and gasped.

"You just missed it by a few minutes. Bad time."

I looked at my phone. It was 6.55 pm.

"Don't ever ask me if I have an extra room to stay in. I'm not comfortable with someone that I'm not close with." He said and walked away once again.

I heard the thunder and lightning stricken. It is going to rain.

I'm in some village, I don't even know if there are any hotels that I can stay in for the night. I'm sure that it is very far and I would be drenched even before I get there.

Who cares if he's not SungYeol?? I need some place to seek shelter.




I walked back and forth and finally sitting on the couch once again scratching my head in frustration.

Why the heck did I even tell such a huge lie??

I used the name 'Shin Joowon' here to avoid people finding me, so far no one that I know except for my family have visited my home here in TongYeong. And she is the 3rd one to know about my whereabouts today.

What should I do?? Continue lying to her??

And the fact that she doesn't suspect that I'm using a fake name is surprising to me. I mean, there can't be two people who really look alike to each other except for twins or in some cases complete strangers.

But I'm certain that there isn't someone with the same face as me living here. I have been walking along these streets for the past few months and I have not met anyone who looks like me.

The door opened and a wet-haired Cha EunAh came out of the shower with a towel around her neck. She is wearing my clothes.

I took a hairdryer from the table and handed it to her. "Use this to dry your hair, you will catch a cold if you don't. Sleep in my room for tonight and make sure that you leave tomorrow morning." I told her.

"JooWon ssi, thank you for letting me stay the night. I appreciate it a lot."

Nope, I wanted to get rid of you but my heart says no. I still have feelings for you.

I just gave her a slight smile and walked to the couch pretending to watch some television while she dries her hair. I don't know how to act around her.

I wonder if she is already married to that Kim Jaejoong already... They were pretty close the last time I saw them together.

"Are you married??" I asked after a long time of persuading myself not to and considering the consequences after that.

I'm glad that she came all the way here just for me without even bringing any luggage along with her.

What happens if she didn't find me in time and got drenched in the rain?? That would be even worse.

I was lucky that I came out at the right time or else...

She shook my head. "I'm still single and I'm hoping to change that relationship status to 'Taken' as soon as I find the guy."

She still loves me... Then why did she accept the flowers??

"Do you really like the guy?? Is he your first love??"

Her cheeks turned a little pink and she began playing with her now dried hair.

She nodded. "He is. We first met when we were kids and I moved away when I was 5. We made a promise to meet each other and gave each other friendship necklaces." She said while touching the necklace that I gave her.

I touched my neck and was relieved. I kept the necklace somewhere else.

"Then I moved back here a year ago hoping to get a job in Seoul. There I met him three times in a day, he was a part-timer at that time."

I unknowingly cringed at the word 'part-timer'. That's the word that made us break up for real.

"Are you ashamed that he was a part-timer and you were a full-time worker??"

I mentally facepalm myself when I realized that I have accidentally blurted out my thoughts.

Her eyes doubled in size. "JooWon ssi--"

I pretended to stretch my arms. "I remembered that I had something to buy this instance. I will be back in a moment." I said walking out of the house and taking an umbrella on my way out.

It is still raining quite heavily but it is less heavy than earlier. I stood a few meters away from the house and waited for her to switch off the lights.

Quickly go sleep so that I can go back in. I don't want to stay out here and catch a cold.

We Met Again / lee sungyeol (#3)Where stories live. Discover now