Chapter 18

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"EunAh!!! Here!!" I heard SungYeol's voice from the other side of the supermarket. He is at the snacks aisle, I bet he wants to buy it.

I rolled my eyes and pushed the trolley towards his direction. When I arrived at the snacks aisle, he is indeed there carrying bags of potato chips and smiling at me.

He threw the bag of chips in the shopping trolley and feel as if he got what he wanted, just like a little kid.

"Anything else??" I asked him. He shook his head and I walked away to the frozen aisle.

He got the trolley from me. "I'll push so you just walk." he said pushing the trolley away.

I smiled at his thoughtfulness and just walked behind him.

We completed our shopping and paid for all the things when SungYeol added one more thing to the list- a freaking water gun.

Does he have to add it to the list?? It is not like it is during the summer, it is freezing cold and spring is arriving soon.

I glared at him. "What?? Can't I buy that for myself??"

I nodded. "But on one condition, you have to buy that with your money." I said carrying the bags. "I'll wait for you at the entrance."

I waited outside for him with the bags. It is already night, 8.19pm. The time to have a late dinner.

We could've finished shopping within 30 minutes but SungYeol.... He freaking stopped at each aisle, asking me to buy things that isn't even necessary at all.

Beef jerky, buns, ice cream, those are the things that he can buy at home. We only needed to buy ramyeon as we are camping, well maybe Soju but ice cream seriously?? How old is he already??

"EunAh, let's go..." He came out of the supermarket with a plastic bag in his hand. He took the bags from my hand.
"You carry this instead... It is lighter." He gave me the bag with the water gun.

"What are you trying to do with that water gun?? Are you going to play in the waters over there??" I said pointing to the river near my tent.

"Absolutely correct, my dear. How do you know me so well??"

"Don't ever try to do that, I tell you. You will catch a cold if you do that. I wouldn't want to get close to you." I said warning him beforehand.

"But I want to get close to you, EunAh..." He said nudging me.

"Aishh!!" I pushed him away from me and the next thing that I knew is that he already fell in the water, talking about coincidence.

"SungYeol-ah!!" I shouted pulling him out of the water. The food that we bought is also soaked but luckily it is sealed tightly or we will not have anything to eat tonight.

"Why did you even-- do t-that?? It was a joke, I didn't even mean it!!" He said shivering in every word that he spoke. The water is indeed cold, of course it is in the middle of winter.

I felt sorry for him all of a sudden. "Mianhae, but it is so funny that you fell just like that?? Are you made up of bones, Mr Bones??" I said bursting into laughter.

"Don't call me that, Mrs Bones. If I am Mr Bones, you are the wife." He said coming forward to kiss my cheeks.

"Yah!!" I said running after him all over the place, ignoring how the public sees me. I bet they sees us as a mom running after her child.

He stopped suddenly and gasped for air. He shouldn't have ran in this weather plus he is wet. His clothes are fully soaked with the river water that he fell into.

I got the bags from him and drained the water out of it. I started the fire in the stove and poured water in the kettle.

While waiting for it to boil, I sat down on the chair and waited for SungYeol to go and shower. He is playing with the water gun that he just bought. What a choding.

I sighed heavily. "SungYeol-ah, would you do me a favour and shower this instant?? You are going to catch a cold any sooner..." I told him but he didn't seemed to care.

"Eo, I will go after playing with my precious...." He said.

Precious?? That 5,000 won water gun became his precious that fast?? Heol, I have nothing to say about him...

Fine, who cares if he catches a cold?? It is none of my business since now he has his precious water gun.

"Ah-choo!!!" He let out a sneeze and I mentally rejoiced. The choding Lee SungYeol has finally caught a cold from playing in the river, Yes!!

"Oh, I really caught a cold already... I better go shower now." He said sniffing in his mucus.

Yes, go and shower all you want now. It wouldn't even help by now, it's too late now...

"But first......" He came towards me and gave a backhug. "I have to accomplish my mission first. Mission accomplished..."

I turned around and looked at him with a very weird expression. "What kind of a mission is that??"

"My mission of backhugging you when I am soaking wet and it has been fulfilled." He said feeling very satisfied.

"And I am wet because of you, go and shower or it is going to be even more worse." I told him and he ran to the public bathhouse.

"Aigoo...." I said to myself and shrugged my shoulders.



I came out of the shower wearing the clothes that the public bathhouse provided me. It fitted me just well and I just wore my wet jacket and draped my towel over my head.

I walked back to the tent while shivering at the same time. I still feel very cold due to the weather, I wished that it would be spring soon and I wouldn't have to wear such thick clothes anymore.

I hope that EunAh didn't ate my share. If she did, she would be in deep trouble. She is a glutton, a cute and pretty glutton. The glutton that I had fallen in love with.

I looked over the kitchen area, EunAh is not here. Where is she??

"EunAh..... Cha EunAh...." I tried calling her but she didn't respond to it. In fact, there is only silence and nothing else.

Only one thing came to my mind, EunAh is gone....

"Cha EunAh!!!!!" I shouted.

We Met Again / lee sungyeol (#3)Where stories live. Discover now