Chapter 27

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We arrived at the garage and as expected there is an army of around 20 people standing outside with an officer standing in front of all of them. I think that he is the Officer Kim that Taekwoon is talking about.

There was also 2 ambulances situated near them in case they come out unconsciously.

The both of us got out of the car and Taekwoon went over to them. "How is it going?? Any progress??"

"We have been stationed here for quite a while and there isn't any noise in the garage at all. Should we break down the door??"

Taekwoon looked at his phone and nodded. "The GPS still indicates that he is in this very garage for sure. Do it quickly or the enemy will notice our movements." He told the officer which in turn told the whole army the same thing.

He stood next to me and mouthed 'Don't worry, it would be over before you even know it'.

Indeed, the big metal doors opened with a tiny bomb which blows up only the door. My mouth opens forming an 'O', how is this even possible??

Policemen really do things that are different from normal people. About 10 of them went inside soon after. I placed my hands together and prayed for their safety.

May they be coming out of the garage in one piece, all alive and kicking. I can't bear to lose anyone of them, whether if it is EunAh or SungYeol.

I looked at the direction of the garage, waiting for them to come out any instant. I was going to give up watching and about to go back to the car and wait when I saw them carrying out a man with blood all over his face.

I immediately ran out to the person and looked closely. It was SungYeol and where is EunAh??

They placed SungYeol in a stretcher and pushed him into the ambulance. I waited for a while hoping that EunAh would be inside as well but they shook their heads when they came out the second time.

EunAh wasn't there. Where is EunAh?? Where did that Makoto bring her to??

Taekwoon came over and patted my back. "Sorry, there was only SungYeol inside, no EunAh or Makoto. Sorry--"

My knees weaken and I sat down on the floor, not wanting to move.

"EunAh...." I looked at Taekwoon once more. "Are you sure that she is not inside?? Can you order them to check if she is inside one more time??"

"HakYeon-ah, she really isn't inside. Makoto Fujioka must have brought her to somewhere else, somewhere even more remote than this. Maybe he brought her to Japan??"

Japan?? That's way too far...

I suddenly have a splitting headache and Taekwoon pulled me up, bringing me back to the car which I just sat down blankly.

I can't imagine EunAh being kidnapped beyond Korea, I want her to be back. I don't want her to be kidnapped.

"Until you are better, you will not come out of this car. I'm sure that EunAh will be alright. She's smart so maybe she has thought of how to escape and we will assist her in that."

Officer Kim came to the car and knocked on the car window.

"Taekwoon sunbae, thank you for your assistance in this case. We wouldn't have rescued one victim without your help."

"I will inform when the next one is found. Hope that you would arrive just in time like this one, Wonshik-ah." He said and gave him a handshake.

He pressed the buttons for the window to wind back up and started the engine driving away from the crime scene.

"No matter what happens, don't panic. EunAh is not as weak as you think and she will come back in one piece. As long as that bastard does nothing to her, she's fine for the time being." I nodded weakly.

Please come back, EunAh...



I looked through the stores and shops around SungYeol's neighborhood over and over again hoping that I can spot him somewhere eating or shopping but he is just couldn't be found.

It is as if he and EunAh disappear overnight. Their phones couldn't be reached and were all transferred to voicemail which I didn't bother to even record a message every single time.

Then I spotted an ahjumma on a wheelchair trying to cross the street to my side but she was too slow and the cars were honking at her for being too slow.

I immediately put down my phone placing it in my pocket and running across the street to help that ahjumma.

"Ahjumma, are you okay??" I asked the ahjumma as soon as we got on the pavement.

She nodded and looked at me from top to bottom making sure that I am alright as well.

"Well thank you, young man. You shouldn't have dashed across the road just like that, you could have been injured if you were a bit slower."

"I'm fine, ahjumma. May I know why are you crossing the road at this time?? Plus, you are in a wheelchair."

"I know but I have to find my son. He's been missing since last night. I don't know where he went to."

She has been missing a son??

I looked at her closely and slightly gasped when I realized that she is SungYeol's mother. How can I not see the resemblance??

SungYeol is missing??

"Ahjumma, may I know if your son is called Lee SungYeol??"

Her eyes gleamed and sparkled. "How did you know, young man?? Do you know where he is??"

"I am his employer actually at Kim Corporations and I have been trying to contact him since morning. Have you called someone named Cha EunAh as well??"

"Of course I have but I couldn't contact her as well. It is as if they vanished overnight."

I nodded, agreeing with what SungYeol's mother said. Have the both of them being kidnapped??

"Omma!!" I heard a woman calling for her mother and then looking towards our direction and running towards us.
"Omma!! Where have you been?? Why are you going around without SungYeol?? Where is SungYeol??"

"I don't know. Sungkyung-ah, SungYeol is missing..."

"He's missing?? Since when?? I just met him this morning though."

I looked at her. "SungKyung??"

"Jaejoong ssi??"

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