Chapter 13

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I got out of the house after volunteering to buy groceries for the week.

I chose to walk as I can't drive even though oppa wanted to go with him. I rejected his offer.

He has a night shift so it is better to not disturb him.

I went into the mart to stock up on some household items and placed it in the trolley.

I paid for the items and went out of the store carrying the items with both hands.

I should have asked Oppa to buy the heavier items instead of me buying it. I somehow regretted it, my arms are going to hurt so much tomorrow.

I walked back the same way as I walked here. I noticed that it got darker. Well, it is already night.

I looked at my phone after putting the bags down on the floor. It is already 9.50 pm, I have been outside for at least 30 minutes.

Now it is darker, it is more scarier. I looked around my surroundings every 10 steps I walked.

After turning around for the 5th time, I felt that someone is following me from the back. A certain someone. Someone that I don't want to see ever again. That someone.

But that person is so skilled that I couldn't even see him every time I turned around. All I could feel is his presence, that chilling presence.

Then I felt someone touching my shoulder. I immediately turned around and gave the person a kick in the balls.

May the person yell in pain and fall to the floor.

"Ah!!!!!!!!!!!!" The person yelled after being kicked after 5 seconds.

That must've been very painful but I don't care. Who told him to sneak up behind me??

"Serve you right!!! Who told you to sneak up to me?? You byuntae!!!" I kicked him one more time.

"Ah!!! Stop hitting me!! I'm innocent!!" The man yelled.

"What innocent?? You are innocent?? That is so fake, you byuntae!!"

"I mean that I am not the person that sneaked up to you."

What do he mean?? I don't understand.....

"What do you mean that you aren't the one?? You are clearly the byuntae that tried to molest me."

He got up and straightened his back. I immediately stood at least 5m in fear that he might do it again.

"I can explain. I am really not the byuntae that you are thinking." He lifted his head up.

"Kim Jae Joong???" I exclaimed loudly that almost all the neighborhood could hear me.

"Quieten down, it is night already." He whispered.

"Then why are you sneaking behind me?? What's your motive for doing so, sajangnim??"

He leaned against a wall. "Protecting you?? Where is your boyfriend??"

"At home?? He can't be taking care of me like all the time, he also has a family to take care of."

"Even so, there must be someone else to take care of you. Do you have any family members?"

"Yes, my brother but he has a night shift tonight. Sajangnim, you are very nosy in my family matters. If you don't have anything to say, then see you tomorrow at work." I bowed slightly at him and walked away from him.

"Cha EunAh, next time if you have anything to buy at night, feel free to contact me. I will help you, not like your useless boyfriend." He shouted behind me.

I shook my head. 



"Cha EunAh, next time if you have anything to buy at night, feel free to contact me. I will help you, not like your useless boyfriend."  I shouted when she is walking back home.

What a boyfriend that she has?? Don't even bother to help her buy groceries.... I will deal with him when he comes to work tomorrow.

The reason that I chose to be behind EunAh is not to molest her or anything or that. That is for hopeless people.

I don't live in this neighborhood so the reason why I am in this neighborhood is because I met my old time friend here and we had drinks together.


I was going to head to my car which is parked near the parking lot at the bar. When I was walking to the parking lot, I saw a suspicious man sneaking behind EunAh. 

He was quite a tall man and slim man, around the same height and build as Lee SungYeol.

At first, I thought that the man was Lee SungYeol as they have been dating for the past 3 months.

Although I felt a bit disappointed that she chose Lee SungYeol as her boyfriend, I still hoped that she will be mine one day as long as she is not married yet.

Then I realised that EunAh kept looking behind every 10 steps that she took. I felt very suspicious, if the man was Lee SungYeol, why would she look around every 10 steps??

Plus, the man also hid everytime EunAh turned her head around. The man is not Lee SungYeol for sure, he is a byuntae, a very experienced molester.

I followed the both of them from afar. When I was nearing the man, the man saw me and ran away skilfully in one random alley. He is so sly, how long did he do this for?? 10 years??

Never mind about that, at least EunAh is safe now. She is going to turn around again, I hid behind a wall in a random alley when she turned around.

After I felt that she has turned around, I peeked out of the wall. She is still walking straight. I tapped her on the shoulder and the next thing that I knew is that she kicked me in the balls. Yes, in the balls.

End Of Flashback

I smiled while in the car. Even though she still hates me, she still calls me sajangnim.

I wish that she would realise how bad is her boyfriend and she would choose me instead. I am waiting for the day that she would be Mrs Kim and not Mrs Lee.

*Ring* *Ring*

Well, that phone call ruined the whole atmosphere. I was still imagining that EunAh would be Mrs Kim and that phone call came at the right time.

I looked at the caller ID. It was noona. I immediately answered it.

"Ne, noona??"

"You still can call me noona with this tone?? Wow, you are so good at ignoring calls. I called for 30 seconds before you answered. Having time with your girls??"

"Since when I have a girlfriend? I just met my good time friend and we had a few drinks together. Don't worry, I am not too drunk. I can still drive." I reassured her.

"You sure?? Then don't stay out too late. Hal-meoni will worry about you if you return too late."

"Ne, noona..."

I hang up the call. I drove back home with a smile. I'm happy that I have a alone moment with EunAh today.

We Met Again / lee sungyeol (#3)Where stories live. Discover now