Chapter 28

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I heard the voice of people speaking very softly in the background, there were people weeping as well. And then I heard a loud bawl, who the hell was crying??

Are they crying for me??

Now the voices are louder as seconds pass and soon I can hear the whole conversation between two people. There were my mother and my older sister. Why are they here for??

"Do you think that SungYeol would ever wake up?? It's been a day since he got rescued."

I was in a coma??

"I don't know, I just want him to wake up now so that we can know what happened to him and EunAh."

EunAh?? Do they know where is she??

My hands started moving and my eyelids started moving slightly. I began to cough lightly and my eyes fluttered open.

"Eo!! Omma, SungYeol is awake!!" SungKyung Noona's excited voice said and Omma looked at me. She looked at me and is tearing up every millisecond as her eyes traveled to every part of my face.

"Omma, don't you cry or I will cry once again..."  Noona pointed her finger at Omma, she herself tearing up with her tears at the brim of the rim of her eyes.

"Nope, I won't anymore... I won't..." She wiped her tears and blew her nose with a tissue. "I won't..."

"Noona, where is EunAh?? Do you know where is she??" I asked my sister hoping that I would get an answer out of it.

Instead, she shook her head. "I don't know, SungYeol-ah. They said that they are still searching for her. It's been almost 36 hours since she disappeared."

I immediately got up and got pulled back down.

"You can't get up yet, you just have woken up." My sister told me.

"I don't care, I have to go find her."

"Even if you go find her, can you guarantee that she is really there?? That jerk changes EunAh's place every day. She is definitely not at the place where the others rescued you from."

Ugh, Makoto...

"Who are the people looking for her??"

"EunAh's brother, a police officer and your boss, JaeJoong ssi."

"Since when did he even knew about it??"

They told me all about what happened, how they met Kim Jaejoong by coincidence, how they contacted HakYeon hyung and Officer Leo.

"I know for sure that she wouldn't get killed."


"Makoto Fujioka loved her and plans to get married to her. I am just someone that is just used as a pawn to distract you." Noona said with a sad expression.

Get married??

"Get me a phone right now. I need to call someone real quick."

Omma then handed me my phone and I dialed Leo's number hoping that he would answer.

"Yeoboseyo??" He immediately picked up. "You have woken up??"

"Yes, I did. Hyung, where are you now?? I have clues to provide you guys with."

If I couldn't be there to find her, I have to help them at least. What I know might be useful to them.

"Fire away, I'm all ears."



I kept looking out for anywhere that looks like a garage but there is no garage at the place that we are at now. There is only flowers and flowers. We are in the countryside right now.

"Are there any more garages in the nation?? I feel that we have searched them all." EunAh's boss asked behind while driving to another lane. He wanted to come along as he feels like he will be useful to help with the case.

I agree too, we have been searching for unused garages for the past 4 hours and there is no sight of EunAh in every garage that we have seen.

Leo's phone rang and he mouthed 'SungYeol' before answering the phone.

"Yeoboseyo??" He paused and then continued. "You have woken up??"

SungYeol has woken up?? Really??

The both of us kept quiet so that we could listen to the whole conversation.

"Fire away, I'm all ears."

SungYeol seems to be telling him about something very crucial as he is taking notes down as he listens.

"Well, thank you. I will call you back later." He hung up and placed the phone back into his pocket.

"So what does he say??" I asked Taekwoon.

"We turn back and go back to the city, let's look for abandoned wedding boutiques or the popular ones." He told EunAh's boss who is driving.

"Ok, why are we going there instead?? Aren't we supposed to find for abandoned garages?? Criminals hide their hostages in abandoned garages or warehouses in dramas."

"It seems that way in the past but this is the 21st century, no one really hides their hostages in garages anymore. How many garages are there for them to hide them all??"

I nodded. That's true... Times have really changed...

"Then if that is the case, that jerk is going there to get married with EunAh." EunAh's boss said gritting his teeth.

It must have hurt so much knowing that his employee is being kidnapped.

He must really care a lot about his employees that he is that willing to save them no matter what.

"Do you have any contact with any wedding planner or boutique owner??" He then asked me.

I shook my head and then remembered. My girlfriend, SooBin is a wedding designer but she is on leave today.

If I contact her, she wouldn't know if that jerk is there as she is at home, resting. So it is no use contacting her when she is not at work.

"Check up on wedding boutiques on the internet, they sometimes leave their contact number on it." Taekwoon instructed me and I do what he wanted.

I looked up for wedding boutiques and began calling each of them to check if there are any suspicious people entering the boutique.

But there's no good news.

"Really?? Then thank you so much for answering. Have a nice day!!" I ended the call for the 5th time.

I was going to put my phone back into my pocket when it suddenly rang. I looked at the caller ID, it was SooBin.


"Oppa, help me. I'm in the boutique, there's a weird man with a scar across his face entering the boutique and--" She suddenly ended the call.


The two men looked at me with a surprised expression.

"Go to this boutique right now, we got news that he is in the boutique."

We Met Again / lee sungyeol (#3)Where stories live. Discover now