Chapter 28

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So, short chapter, but I'm thinking of a few things after this so look forward to it :3

Kewk :3

By the way, I can't believe I've got 1000+ votes on this book. It's amazing! Thank you all :3



And she repeated it in a firmer way that I would’ve wanted to. “Will you be my girlfriend?”

Zoë’s hands ran down from my arms to my hips, almost as if setting me on top of her.  Maybe it was my imagination but I think I could feel some sort of shaking right where her hands were touching me… but it was probably a mixture from my and her trembling.

I could feel my eyes go wide in realization. Yes. It hadn’t sunk in until like, a minute later.

“I-I…” I said shakily  and pushing my glasses up the bridge of my nose… I…

You could’ve heard a pin drop in this room, and I guess that’s why I heard when the main doors to the school auditorium got suddenly open.

I jumped off from Zoë’s legs while feeling half-relieved and half-guilty for not answering quickly. I’d spent about a whole 10 seconds more looking into her eyes to see if she’d been serious on that question.

I looked up trying to get rid of the blush on my face as I focused on the person at the top of the auditorium. The figure was feminine, short-ish hair and looking down at us.

“Ummm…. Hi. I’m Simone,” The girl said. Simone?... “I’m looking for Zoë? I was told she was here.”

The sound of the chair moving against the stage floor was distinctive so I knew Zoë had stood up. “Yeah, it’s me. Give me a sec, okay?”

“Uh…” The girl looked at me, with what I think were green eyes but I’m not sure – too far to really tell. And then she looked back at Zoë. “Yeah, cool. I’ll wait outside.”

The girl, Simone, turned around with what seemed to be a fit body and walked out of the auditorium, leaving the doors wide open to my displeasure.

… Sigh…

“So,” Zoë said in a pretended careless voice. “Should I let you think about it?”

Okay…. So… To recap, I’d just been there about 30 seconds ago sitting on Zoë’s lap, looking into her eyes, seeing her face blushed but firmly looking at me and my mouth starting to move unconsciously… and me not really saying anything.

Seriously, I’m not sure what I was going to say. Why does she even… want me as a girlfriend? Is it really necessary?... Why?

Gulping, I turned around on my heels slowly, stood up straight and looked at her.

Zoë’s dark chestnut brownish and wavy hair, now longer than before, hung down her shoulders forming sharp tips at the end of the mindless curls that sometimes got formed. Her eyes stared at my every move, even though I was making none, and her face expressed really nothing. It was as if it was a blank page where you could draw anything on it… Believe me, that’s how it is. It’s a face she’s been doing whenever she really doesn’t seem to be thinking about anything in particular.

“I’ll let you think about it.” Zoë said, smiling and then, surprisingly, giving me a hard smile as she closed her lips. Her eyes flickered to the side and then to mine after probably noticing that I saw that and she jumped off the stage towards the entrance. “Meet me at the parking lot in 15. You should go put the chair away.”

I watched her walk out of the auditorium, and when she did, I blinked hard.

Sh*t…. Sh*t… Sh*tsh*tshi*t!

Oh my God! I’m such, such an idiot! Why couldn’t I say anything straight away? Argh! THIS is why I always thought these kinds of things were a hassle, because it generates so much confusion, and possibly hurt… like… Like then when Zoë couldn’t help but do that smile… one that she didn’t mean to do.

I’m such an idiot…

But then again… why did she ask me so suddenly after I just told her I like her…?

Now I’m wondering whether I’m confused or just over-complicating myself…

I shook my head, trying to focus on what to do next. I looked at my trumpet… went towards it and packed it again… I looked at the chair… went towards it, folded it, and took it next to the others…

I’m such an idiot…


Now what am I supposed to do? Do I want to be her girlfriend?...

What’s even the difference between going out with someone and not going out with them but still kissing and all of that?...

“You really are an idiot, aren’t you?” I heard from the side. My face turned to the side immediately seeing Heather come out from the back-stage of the auditorium where many people left their instruments after practice… Wait, did she hear all of that AND see us make-out before it?

This is getting worse by the second.

“Hey, no no.” Heather said shaking her head at me slowly and raising her hands in defense, also moving them slowly. “I came out when she asked you so no, I didn’t see much. You’re an open book so I think you’re worrying over nothing Alex.”

I stared at her as she walked down the side of the stage down the stairs without really looking at me. “W-what do you mean?”

“Well, I did see you on top of her so I guess you were making out.” Heather looked at me with her pale-green eyes, “But it doesn’t matter. If anyone else or I had seen you it wouldn’t have been a surprise. It’s obvious even to those who don’t even know you that much that you and Zoë have a good relationship. I, on the other hand,” She continued with that melodic and  confusing tone she always gets when she seems to be superior to others in terms of information. That’s why Heather is such a weird person, because she thinks of things by herself and makes plans on her own… No. It’s more like dangerous, I think, “always knew Zoë likes you and how you actually do like her. Only me, Jessica, Matt and, well, Craig know for sure. The others seem to think it’s only a good friendship with a little bit more. But nothing serious.”

“Wait, so everyone thinks I’m just her close friend?” I dared to ask Heather who was now right in front of  me but off the stage… Of course, I was exposing what I felt for Zoë right now but that didn’t matter did it. She already says it’s obvious to her… Actually, if she seems to know something I don’t then it’s better if I take it out of her.

“Yeah,” Heather said raising an eyebrow to me. “It does seem that way you know. You guys don’t realize it but the fact that you don’t show any PDA makes it unclear to everyone. Only when you’re alone, I guess, or with us you do. At least a tiny bit.”


“Public Display of Affection, Alex.” Heather said smirking, “Isn’t why she wants you to be her girlfriend? So she can tranquilly like you in front of other with your permission.”

I’m still not totally sure how me and Heather came from her kissing me the first time we met to having her make me understand what’s going on…

“Judging on your face. I’m a life saver.” Heather chuckled. “Look. Why say no? She’s taken you out of that chicken box of a life you lived in.” She shrugged before I could make a face to her. “And has taken you out into the real world. Taking advantage of your talent, making friends, doing school work like always but with others around you, doing new things. And that’s just a little bit. Just say yes, you idiot. See ya.”

I watched Heather walk up the corridor and I was about to jump off the stage when she said, “You owe me one.”

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