MiniCat- More Than Friends

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A/N: that picture is just so cute, sorry I couldn't find a clearer one but this'll have to do for now XD...

Edited on: 07/03/17

Please tell me if you see any grammar, punctuation, etc; mistakes so I can fix it right away.

Song- Gorgon City ft MNEK- Ready For Your Love

Mimi's POV~

*play song whenever*

I was packing to go to Miami, to hang out with the guys for about four days. I'm really nervous because for 1) I'm going to be with the guys drinking, 2) I'm going to be with my best friend, Tyler who I'm in love with, 3) I tell the truth when I'm drunk and I don't want to tell someone that I love Tyler; especially him. I had about four hours before I had to go to the airport, in the mean while I'm just sitting here bored when my phone buzzed. I looked to see who it was and it was Tyler texting me. (T- Tyler/ M-Muni :D )

T- hey what are you doing?

M- nothing just bored waiting to go to the airport

T- oh? You're boring XD

M- haha so funny, now I'm not talking to you

T-NOO!! Mini come on, I love you!

I couldn't help it, when he said he loved me it made my heart quicken. But I know he only means it as a friend,

T- Mini, you there?

M- yeah sorry, I was just thinking about stuff

T- oh, what were you thinking about?

M- nothing important, but I got to go I'm leaving for the airport right now

T- you're telling me when I see you, and okay bye see you later

I didn't bother texting him back, I called Über and waited for the driver to come here. About 20 minutes later and the Über was here, putting my stuff in the back seat I told him to go to the airport. Once we were at the airport, I paid the guy the money and left for my plane. About 1 and half later after going through everything to get to the plane, they called my plane (A/N: I've never been on a plane, so I don't know what the do lol) I got up and boarded the plane. Putting my headphones in and drifted off to sleep.

Tyler/Wildcat's POV~

As I waited in the airport for Mini, I couldn't help but think of these feelings that has been going on lately whenever I talk to him. I don't know what they are but I know I've never felt like this before, I think I might be in love with him. I just can't wait to see him I want to tell him how I feel, but I'm scared. I felt my phone buzz and checked to see who it was. My heart quickened when I seen it was Mini.

M- hey I just landed, where are you?

T- I'm at the Starbucks in the airport, come and find me

M- aww, you're an asshole. I'm trying to stop with Starbucks and look what you're doing...

T-it's okay, you'll live

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