DaithiDeLui- Never Forget You

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A/N: Just wanted to say I hope you all are liking these so far. This one might be a little shorter than the rest but I still hope you like it. And I hope you enjoy 😀

Song: Zara Larrson- Never Forget You ft MNEK

Edited on: 07/07/17

Please tell me if you see any grammar, punctuation, etc; mistakes so I can fix it right away.

Lui's POV~

*play song now*

"I know it's hard to talk about Lui, but can you start from the beginning" the therapist asked me. I just nodded my head slowly, trying not to cry at the memories of that night it all happened.


Today happens to be David and I, two year anniversary. I've been giving him hints that I want to get married but he's too oblivious to see it. I really hope that he purposes to me, I really want to marry him. As I look at the time, I see that David has been gone for about five hours and it's starting to worry me.

I tried calling his phone about a million times and he's not answering. I decided to call the guys and ask if they have seen him at all, they all said no and that he was planning something for me. I told them to go out and look for him like I was, I quickly ran out of my house and went into the car. I drove all around, through ally's and everything not being able to find him. Until I got the phone call that ruined my life, "hello?" I said into my phone confused. "Hello is this Lui Caliber?" Some women asked me, "yes, who is this?" I asked sounding even more confused.

"I'm Jenna, I'm with Memorial hospital, we have a David Nagle and we need you to come down here ASAP" she said quickly. "W-what happened to him?" I asked her already on my way to the hospital, "it would be better to talk face to face and tell you what is going on. So please hurry" she said sound desperate. "O-okay, I'm on my way now" I said before hanging up, I quickly called all the guys and told them where he was. I parked my car in front of the hospital and ran inside to the front desk, "hello, I'm Lui Caliber I'm here to see David Nagle. Someone called me and said it was urgent to be here" I said quickly.

"Yes that was me, my name is Jenna follow me please. Mia can you take over for a little bit" she asked a lady who nodded her head. We got into the elevator and went to the third floor, the doors opened and we went to room 321. She walked in with me fallowing her and what I seen made me want to pass out. "W-what happened to him?" I asked her while trying not to cry so bad, "he got shot about ten times, right now he is in a coma and the doctors don't know if he'll be able to pull through or not, I'm so sorry Mr. Caliber" she said looking at me sadly. I broke down crying, while I heard the door open and a bunch of gasps.

I didn't bother to look up when I felt arms rap around me, after I calmed down I looked up to see who was hugging me and seen Evan crying too. "I'm so sorry Lui, I-" Evan started before breaking down again causing me to hug him and cry with him. The rest of the guys came and did a group hug with us, about five minutes later we heard what sounded to be the flat lining of the heart monitor. I pushed everyone from me, "NOO! DAVID PLEASE NO! DONT LEAVE ME! ITS ARE ANNIVERSARY YOU CANT LEAVE ME!" I scream while Tyler was dragging me out of the room.

"NO TYLER BRING ME BACK INTO THE ROOM! I need him, Please" I said sounding desperate while crying again in Tyler's arms. After twenty minutes of no answers they finally came out of the room, "are you guys here for David Nagle?" The doctor said. "Yes, is he alright what's going on?" Marcel asked, "I'm sorry to say but we couldn't revive him, he has passed away" he said looking at us sadly. I started to break down crying, while this time Mini came and comforted me.

"C-can I g-go see h-him, please" I said trying to stop crying but failing. The doctor nodded his head, Mini got up ready to come with me. "No Mini, I-I need to do this alone"  I said before walking to his room. I stood outside of the room, for about two minutes before finally going in. As I walked in I seen they had a white blanket over David, I started crying again. "Why David, why did you have to leave me? It's our anniversary and you left me. I wanted to marry you, have a family with you and grow old with you" I said as I began crying more.

"You're my life, my universe, my everything. I needed you to stay with me and now you're gone, I can't believe this is all happening" I finished crying really hard while staying by his side. A couple minutes later the door opened and Delirious came in, "Lui, I know now is not the time, but David gave me this to hold" he said handing me a velvet box. I opened it and it had a silver band in it, I gasped and cried harder. Delirious came over to me and hugged me, saying sweet words into my ear while he was crying himself.

Three days later we were in Ireland for his funeral, "now David's boyfriend and lover would like to say a few words, Lui" the priest said to me. I took a deep breath "h-hello, David wasn't just my boyfriend or lover. He was my best friend, the person I wanted to marry, wanted to have a family and grow old with. He passed on our anniversary and he was going to purpose to me, you're probably asking how I know that, well my friend Delirious or Jonathan gave me the ring I'm wearing right now.

I will never take it off, for the rest of my life and I don't know what I'll do without David in my life. He was everything, David if you can here me just know that I love you so much and I can't believe I won't be able to feel your warmth next to me in the morning or your comfort when I'm down. But I'll always love you and cherish all the memories we shared good and bad, I love you my Nogla" I finished.

They lowered the casket into the ground, but I had to walk away or I would've jumped down there with him.

~End of Flashback~

"And that's everything" I said finishing while crying. "You're starting to get better, you aren't breaking down like you used too. Are you eating right?" He asked me, "yeah I know, but it still hurts a lot. And yes I'm eating right, I'm starting to gain my weight back" I said as I stopped crying. "That's normal to feel like that after losing a person you loved dearly, it's only been a year and a half. That's good I'm happy you're starting to take care of yourself again" he said smiling at me.

I smiled back at him, "you're very good at your job, Mr. Lucas" I said smirking. "I try and please call me Steven" he said smiling at me. "Thank you for everything, but I don't think I need the therapy lessons anymore. I honestly feel better" I said looking at him, watching as his smile turned into a frown. "But, I would like to get coffee with you sometimes" I said smirking and seeing his smile come back. "Well that's fine, and I would love too" Steven said before giving me his number. I walked out of the therapist, with a smile on my face that I never had in a long time. 'I love you David, I'll never forget you' I thought.

A/N: so how do you like it, I know sad one but I got to do different types of one shots to make you have some feels. But tell me what you think, you like it, don't like it? And also I want to say thank you for everything and sorry for not updating soon, I've honestly been really busy and I have depression so sometimes it gets to me. Sometimes it's good, bad and sometime I just don't want to even get out of bed. So again sorry for not updating but I'm trying here, Thanks!


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