BaciallyH2oVanoss Request

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A/N: This is not a Poly! Even though I will be writing one soon! Someone requested it as the title says. She wanted this as the title, so I hope you all enjoy it :)

Requested by: GamingYoutubers PLEASE FOLLOW HER!

Edited on: 09/20/17

Please tell me if you see any grammar, punctuation, etc; mistakes so I can fix it right away.

Delirious' POV~

I can't believe what I'm seeing. I knew it was all true, him leaving early in the morning and than not coming home until 1 or 2 in the morning. I stood frozen in the doorway to our bedroom looking at Evan having sex with some other dude. I couldn't look away nor say anything, so I stayed there until the guy Evan had under him looked up and seen me.

Evan turned around and looked at me with wide eyes, "it's not what it looks like!" He got off of him and tried to touch me but I backed away. "ITS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!?" I yelled anger taking over me as tears spilled from my eyes. "HOW COULD YOU! AFTER TWO YEARS OF BEING TOGETHER YOU CHEAT ON ME! IM SO STUPID!" I yelled at him as moved around him and pack a small bag of stuff I needed.

"Please! Jon, don't leave me" he tried begging me to stay but I wasn't having it. "No! You weren't thinking about me when you over here fucking this bitch! So do me a favor and leave me alone Evan, you officially broke me" I said starting to feel my anger away and be replaced with sadness. "Don't talk to me again" I said walking out of the front door and getting in my car and leaving.

'How could he do that', 'why wasn't I good enough?', 'why can't I be loved by someone?' I thought as I had to stop because my vision was blurry from the tears. I picked up my phone and looked to see who I could call, I stopped at Marcel's name debating if I should call him or not. I shrugged and hit the call button; (M- Marcel, D- Delirious)

M- "hello"

D- "hi M-Marcel"

M- "Jon? What's wrong?"

D- "um can I stay with you until I get back on my feet?"

M- "of course, but what's wrong?"

D- "I'll tell you when I get there, be there in five minutes"

I hung up not waiting for his reply as I started the car up again, making my way towards his house. I pulled up to his house and grabbed my stuff, walking to his door and knocking not even a minute later the door opened to a very worried looking Marcel. "Oh Jon" he said opening his arms for me, I walked into his arms and cried. He grabbed my luggage with one hand as the other arm was holding me still in his embrace.

"H-he c-cheated on me M-Marcel" I said in between sobs as he led us to the coach, pulling me on top of his lap so I was straddling him. I felt Marcel tense and I looked up at him, seeing that he was pissed off. "I'm going to kill him!" He tried getting up but I put all my weight down and made him stay. "No Marcel, I need you right now" I said putting my head in between his neck and sighing.

He rapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. "I'm so sorry Jon, you don't know how bad I want to go over to that house and beat the shit outta him" he said 'him' in a sneer. I rubbed his back just as he did mine, "I know, can you believe he said it wasn't what it looked like when I seen him with someone there. Than he had the nerve to plead for me to stay" I scoffed now feeling depressed more than ever.

Marcel sighed and continued to run circles on my back in a soothing motion. "Don't think about him, he doesn't deserve someone as nice, kind, handsome, and talented as you. You can do better than him Jon, I know that. You just gotta show he who shall not be named, what he's missing out on" Marcel said making me look up into his brown eyes.

"Thank you Marcel, and I didn't know you found me handsome" I smirked already starting to feel better. "I-I. Umm" he stuttered turning a shade of red and looked away from me. "Hey don't look away from me" I said lifting his chin up making him look into my eyes. "Jon" he said in a whisper, "yeah" I said not realizing I was starting to lean in and so was he.

"I've always found you handsome, you're truly an amazing person and someone as dumb as him to do that to you should fuck off and get a life" he said resting his forehead on mine, still looking into my eyes. I smiled, "you're an amazing person Marcel. Did anyone tell you, that you should be a councilor?" I said smirking at him as he rolled his eyes.

"Yes, all the time" he said still staring at me, he was so close I could feel his minty breath on my cheek, causing me to shiver. "Are you cold?" He asked me, I shook my head, "no" I said as I couldn't look away from his eyes. He leaned in closer, to where his lips were brushing against mine sending butterflies into my stomach. "Marcel" I whispered as he closed the gap between us. I moaned at the feeling of his soft lips against mine, they fit perfectly.

This one kiss made me forget all about Evan and him cheating on me. It made me feel alive again, I felt his tongue across my lips asking for permission; which I decided to be a tease and not open up. I heard him growl as he nipped at my lip causing me to gasp, him taking no chance and slipped his tongue into my mouth. I moaned feeling his tongue roam my mouth, I didn't even try to fight for dominance.

I pulled him closer running my fingers through the hair at his neck causing him to groan. We pulled away at the same time, a string of saliva connecting our lips. "Wow" Marcel said in between pants, I nodded my head in agreement "wow is right" I said. "You're a pretty good kisser" I said smirking at him; "so are you" he said pecking my lips once more. "I really like you Jon, more than ever" he said smiling at me. "I really like you too, Marcel" I said kissing his cheek and smiling. "Be mine?" He asked looking nervous, I nodded and kissed him again. 'I have a feeling he's gonna be with me forever' I thought while still kissing Marcel.

A/N: so I hope you enjoyed! I hope this is everything that you wanted. Sorry if I messed up on anything, just tell me and I'll fix it. Sorry for any mistakes and stuff. I hope you enjoyed, comment, vote, etc; All that good stuff... Thanks!


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