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Don't worry it's nothing bad I promise you that, but I just wanted to say that I will need a list of...

• 6 different ships, can't be the same person in more than one ship

And that's basically it...

It's for the 2K special one shots I'm doing so I'm not going to tell you what it's about, even if you beg me. So comment down below the ships you would like to be included.

I am going to be doing two different one shots for the 2K one shots, because hello 2,000. So that is why I asked for 6 ships instead of just like one or two.

So make sure you comment down below what ships you would like. And remember it can NOT have the same person in one ship, for example:

If you pick H2oVanoss, neither Vanoss or Delirious can be in another ship. If you want Ohmlirious, I'll strictly be Ohm and Delirious no one else.

I know I'm being weird and strict about what I want, but hey you'll understand it once I'm done with the one shots. So yeah, LOVE YOU ALL! ✌🏻️❤️


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