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• August 3rd, 2016~ 1K

• August 14th, 2016~ 2K

• August 22nd, 2016~ 3K

• August 28th, 2016~ 4K

• September 1st, 2016~ 5K

• September 3rd, 2016~ 6K

• September 10th, 2016~ 7K

• September 18th, 2016~ 8K

• September 25th, 2016~ 9K

Those dates are the days that you guys made me smile so much, I remember when I first reached 1K I nearly cried because I didn't even think that this was going to even have one view; let alone this many. It's so crazy how we're almost at 10K! And yes I said we're because it's just not my book; it's your guys too. You're the that made this book possible for me to keep going and update.

So like I said in the previous chapter, I'm trying to update more often and stuff like that. So as a thank you for 9K I'm going to be taking requests by people for two days.

So it'll be today and all day tomorrow I'm taking requests. I will write them ahead of time like, I've been doing lately to update more; and than post them. The only rules are:

• You must be following me so I could tag you

• Smut is allowed

• If you want something that has a trigger in it, tell me before hand

• And any ship that you want

And that's pretty much it :) thank you all for an amazing journey together, and I'm forever grateful for everything that you've all done for me. You are all amazing and nice people and I wouldn't want it any other way. So again THANK YOU FOR 9K!!

Sorry had to edit something XD


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