2. Getting Laid

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Jessy's POV:

I sat beside Maya wondering how long does it fucking take for the nurse to get a small damn cup of water. She's been gone since the minute we got here and the teachers lounge is right next door.

We came here expecting the nurse to help out my friend who could've all I known had a concussion and this bitch did absolutely nothing to help her patient.

I noticed Maya starting to shuffle around on the bed. Please, Nurse San comeback now, please~

Her eyes started to slowly flutter open and now she woke up.

I decided to brighten up the mood a little,"Well good afternoon Maya! Your finally awake!" I said with a light chuckle hoping she'd stay calm. She seemed a little confused on why she was here in the nurses office at first, but then it hit her.

"IM GOING TO FUCKING KILL THAT BITCH!!" I can tell that she was beyond pissed.

First thing I thought of was jump on her if she decides on getting up. That's actually what I ended up having to do.

Lucky me she threw me off of her and escaped anyways, so that felt nice.

For some odd reason she stopped outside the doorway. I truly thought she completely lost it at that point and was going to attack me but she didn't.

She was looking at her left like she's seen a ghost or some shit.

I asked her, "You good? Why'd you stop without having me tackle you down?" Is she ok?

I walked to her side and peeped my head out the door frame to see what she was looking at.

There waited the three teenage boys who nearly killed my best friend earlier.

"Um.. Bye.. Go.. Astalah-waygo, you know...get. the. fuck. byeee." I said, you know hoping that they'd get the damn point across their rock hard heads to leave, but no one, not even one ass cheek twitched.

Maya's POV:

Why were they here? Should I punch one? Their not laughing at me though. Why does it look like their souls have been drained? Are they scared or something? Are they scared of me? Am I really that ugly right now, like damn. I know my hairs a mess and my face is red, but that's not all my fault ok. Jezz, boy's are so judgmental.

"Um.. Bye.. Astalah-waygo, you know get. the. fuck. byeee." Jessy said.

Nobody moved so I asked,"Why are you guys here? What do you want? Are you going to try and knock me out again?" I said and got a chuckle from Jess.

Jimin stood up and walked towards me with his head hung low and his hands behind his back.

I've always noticed him and Yoongi the shortest out of the 7, but he was about five inches taller than me, shockingly pretty tall. I'm a pretty tall chick in my school, but short compared to him.

If it wasn't for the way he is towards me I'd actually say he's not that bad to be honest. Visually you know? Not that I've ever doubted that.

He stood in front of me and spoke which completely shocked me because we've never really spoken before. Yes, I've noticed that.

"Haha. Hey. Um, I'm sorry for hurting you and um.. ever knocking you out in any type of way like today. When I mess with you, yeah I like to mess with you, I don't ever intend on hurting you. I really don't mean to it just happens to be you.-" I don't think anyone's ever gotten an apology like this before.

"-So with that I'd like to say that I'm really sorry for everything and hope you can forgive me. Let's be friends from this point on?" He asked nervously rubbing the back of his now probably red neck.

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