37. The Get Together

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Maya's POV:

"Mom! Dad! Can we go now!" Moon stomped.

"I kind want to leave too already." Hendi less likely stomped.

"How about you two wait ok? We still need to change. It took some time to dress the both of you so now the both of you are going to wait. Got it?" I reminded the two little ones.

"We got it." They dragged their feet and voices down the hall.

"You got it Hun?" I asked Jimin who seemed to be struggling with a button on his flannel.

"No." He gave up so I easily did it for him.

"What should I wear the olive green button down or the faded pink one?" I scaled them in my hands asking for his opinion.

"Green. Pinks just not for today." He brushed his hair.


"Well would you look at that." I said as we pulled up to the restaurant.

"For once everyones here before us." Jimin put the car in park.

"Alright kids, come on!" I said and got out the car.

Jimin locked the car and we all walked to the restaurant.

Hendi ran to his parents giving them a ginormous hug. Jimin, Moon, and I greeted the others and said excuse us for a quick second while we stepped outside to speak.

"So Moonah." I squatted down to her level holding her tiny hands.

"What did I do? It was Hendi! I swear!"

"Haha nothing. You did nothing but guess what?" Jimin squatted down as well.


"Well... Your going to be a big sister." I said.

"REALLY!?" She yelled.



"Yeah." The both of us laughed.

"So do I have a baby brother or a baby sister?? Where are they? Can I see them?!" She looked around the area.

"Well we don't know yet. It's a process to find out the gender but what ever it is-is in my belly for now."

"And during this process MooMoo your going to help me right?" Jimin asked.


"But shh ok. Nobody else knows yet." Jimin assured.

"Oh you can count on me." She pretended to zip her mouth and throw the key.


"Look how much I ate Mom! I ate most of it!" Hendi was proud of himself.

"Speaking of eating a lot." A males voice loudly murmured but no one knew who said so.

"Um. Baby?" Jessy nervously laughed pulling on Hobi's arm who stood up catching everyone's attention.

"Ok so Jessy and I." He led on then she stood up smiling.

"We're going to have a baby." She held his hand smiling at him, and he did the same.

"Congrats! Aw yay! Congratulations!" Everyone cheered.

"You too?" Moon silently said to herself. "Congrats Auntie and Uncle!"

They were each others first for everything. They really are something. It's so cute.

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