16. The Last Day

84 12 117

*long chapter*

•Jin-'92. •Anzi-'92
•Yoongi-'93 •Ron-'93
•Hobi-'94 •Jessy-'96
•Namjoon-'94 •Maya-'96
•Jimin-'95 •Layla-'99

A/n: You might want this sometime this chapter. :)


"So graduation in a couple of days huh?" I told Jin and Yoongi as we waited for the others to find us.

Every year on the last day of school, our school brings everyone out to the schools football field and it's court yard.

Some people say their goodbyes to people that they may not see again, some just talk until the final bell rings for that year.

"I'm going to miss coming to see you guys everyday in the morning and talking shit about people...Lunch too. Who else am I going to gather my food with? Tae doesn't share. It just won't feel the same without you two." I pouted.

"It's ok you can always call, text, even better yet just come visit us. You know where the both of us live." Jin spoke.

"Yeah. Come any time your always welcomed under our roofs. Jimin may have not let you under his in months but your always welcomed under ours. Always. Remember that." Yoongi added and Jin nodded.

"Thanks.. Thats if I can ever find a way." I joked to brighten up the depressing mood. Which it did.

"IS THAT MY TWO EX SENIORS I SEE WITH MY JUNIOR BABY SISTER!" Hobi squinted from afar, approaching with Jessy and Namjoon to his sides.

"HEY SENIOR!!!" I yelled back.

"JUNIOR!!" Jungkook appeared out of nowhere.

"Don't forget us mid senior classers!!" Taehyung came from behind him.

"Weren't you and Jimin in front of me? Why are you behind me?- You know what. Don't even answer that. You just walk slow." Jungkookie laughed.

"You could've just said senior." Jessy mumbled. Incase you don't know what middle class students are I'll tell you.


It's when there's students who are in one grade, but take a grade lower classes. Don't get it?

In this case Tae and Jimps are mid classers. They're now seniors with Hobi and Namjoon. It's not that their stupid it's just because of their birth year.

There's two years per grade. Let's use Tae and Namjoons birth year for example. For their grade (12) the next upcoming school year it's the people who were born in the 94's & 95's. This finishing year was the 92's & 93's. Catching on?

The 94's will take all normal senior classes. And the 95's will take junior classes for one half of their year, and normal senior classes the the other half of the year. Then they all graduate together at the end. Unless they fail.


"I should've just done what Ron did. It would've been way easier to just graduate a couple of months earlier instead of facing this sadness." Jin depressed.

Or you can just graduate early like Ron, but then you'd have less time to do all your classes which makes it harder to pass.

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