7. To The Table

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The Next Day
12:14 p.m.
Maya's POV:

I was casually in my room fixing my bed.

"MOMMMMMYYY!!! MOM-MAYYY!! Come fast!!" Moon yelled from the living room. I ran downstairs from my bedroom to see what was wrong.

"What?!? What is it?! What happened?! Are you ok?? What's wrong?" I flooded her with questions.

I was then going to play with some foundation on my skin, and change into a short sleeve shirt and shorts after. But then I heard Moon yelling. You know as a mother I'd think something bad happened to her like she hurt herself or something, but I was wrong.

"I'm ok. Someone was at the door though, but I think they're gone now." Wow. I didn't hear the doorbell.

"How do you know they're gone?"

"Because they stopped knocking." I feel stupid. Maybe she was just hearing things.

"Ok.. well go fix your bed and change your clothes because we need to go shopping for the food later. Auntie Z and Hendi should be coming in a couple of hours with uncle Ron and Auntie Lay. Go up and change while I finish my bed and put in the pool filter." I told her.

"Mommy? I thought uncle Ron is suppose to cook the food, and Auntie Z & Layla are supposed to help you set up the tables outside for dinner?" She wondered.

"They are, you want to help put the chairs or something?" I shouldn't have asked her that, she can barely hop onto a chair without the help of her stool.

"No I'm good but whose supposed to help me and Hendi swim if no ones going to be able to swim with us?" She asked. We have a 5 ft. deep pool that's nearly 6 ft. and their barely 3 feet tall. Usually someone swims with them.

"Oh, remember mommy's friends that came yesterday night?" I asked.

I think she wouldn't mind them coming. I mean she even talked to them. Yes talked, not yelled, talked. Shits crazy.

It really amazed me that she actually talked to other males besides Hendi and Ron. To other men she'd usually be like 'leave my mother alone', 'don't touch her', or threaten them in any type of way she possibly can.

"Well they're coming too, so they can play with you and Hendi later. Now stop stalling and go change. Don't forget to do your bed as well. Go." She nodded and went upstairs.


I didn't have the time to change my clothes because I really needed to leave soon. I went to clean the pool, and waited for Moon to finish.

I was putting the pool filter in and the doorbell rang. It was probably Anzi coming early again because she probably had nothing else better to do. I mean she's 3 hours early, but eh it's fine everything is just easier now.

I was going to answer the door then I heard Moon shouting.

"MOMMY! SOMEONES AT THE DOOR!" She came running down the stairs meeting me at the bottom in her pajamas still.

When is she going to change? How long did it take for her to do her bed? I've been waiting for her, and she's still not dressed yet?

I went to open the door and saw 7 men standing there. Each one holding a bag that had a change of clothes, but one was also holding a box.

"Hello! You had a package at your doorstep." Taehyung said handing it to me. I don't remember ordering anything.

I took my package and let them in.

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