29. Home Sweet Home

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I'm back to my house. Oh my beautiful home. I missed you. Are you okay? I'm sorry what you had to go through. It's ok now. Mama's home. The bad guys are gone now. No more popo's.

Wait time out. REALITY CHECK!

I'm installing the new lock- well no, take that back. I'm trying to install new locks to all my doors but I can't necessarily do it.

I called Jimin to see if he already picked up Moon from school today, and he said he was on his way. Mind you that was an hour ago.

So times passed and I got super impatient just sitting around with all my doors open doing nothing, that lead me to trying to do it myself.

I need the screw driver but it's to far. The only tool next to me was a hammer.

I'm sort of kind of holding the knob in the perfect position and I don't want to lose my place so I grabbed the hammer instead.

*HONK HONK* I dropped the hammer on my lap.

"AH shhhit~"

"I'm ok. I'm alright. I'm completely fine. I'm super. Super dooper as a matter of fact. Just maybe a little bruised but eh." I sarcastically assured with a thumbs up to the two getting out the car. It was actually just me talking to myself.

"Do you need help?" I heard Moon ask Jimin who was digging in his trunk. I thought she was talking to me for a second.

"Yes actually. Can you grab that pink bag from the backseat for me. Don't open it. Take it to momma's room and put in on her bed. Can you do that for me please?" He asked her.

She nodded and got the bag. I noticed he pulled out two luggages from the trunk, and rolled them up to the doorstep. Moon ran in slipping right behind me.

"Hey mommy!" She kissed my cheek.

"Hey mama. How was your day?" I looked up a tiny bit at the little one.

"It was good." She ran upstairs.

"Hey My." Jimin greeted.

"I'm not moving out your way but hello." I was sitting in the door way still holding the door knob in its place.

"Ok." He giggled then walked behind me picking up the luggages one by one over his and my head.

"I'm sleeping over if you haven't noticed."  He laughed setting a luggage down.

"Oh really? I couldn't tell."

"Were you really going to use a hammer?" He walked back to the door.

I responded with nothing but my innocent face.

"You need a screw driver. Let it go I got it." He squatted down and picked up the hammer off my lap as I released my hold on the knob.

I got up and went to go get something to snack on.

"You look nice by the way." He smirked biting his lip as he sat down where I was sitting. Ugh. God. Damn. This man- STOP! STOP!

"I'm wearing a superman tee and some mesh gym shorts that were once Ron's. I look nice?" I requestioned.

"Yeah. Your showing some skin. Something you haven't shown in a while around me. I like it." He screwed in something.

"Why thank you." I walked into the kitchen before I started blushing.

Who Knew [p.j.]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin