8. Thanks

87 17 13

3:04 p.m.
Maya's POV:

Hobi, Jin, Taehyung, Jungkook, and Moon were playing hide & go seek in the back while Namjoon, Yoongi, and Jimin were helping me set up the new grill I bought the other day.

Yoongi and I were trying to figure out what each nob meant while Namjoon and Jimin were busy putting the object together.

They were almost done with it and we still couldn't even figure out a damn reasoning for one nob. There was like 6 of them in total. Is it to turn the gas on at the bottom or to turn the grill on? Or is that the same thing?

I invited Jessy and Jenesis to come over, but they were to busy buying bridesmaid dresses with Tammy for her wedding. So they couldn't come, I wish they were able to but I understood.


The doorbell rang, I told the three that I'd be back, but when I took a glance at Yoongi, he seemed to be a bit annoyed that I was leaving him with the confusing shits. Oops. I was saved by the bell. SO SUCK IT YOONGI!!

"Coming!" I jogged over.

"I SAID IM COMING!!" Whoever it was kept ringing that damn doorbell like their life was depending on it for me to answer. Like yo, chill the fuck out. God I hope it's not someone who really is in danger and I just said that. Please forgive me if so.

I guess the rest of the boys were curious as well from the rings so they all followed behind. I opened the door to find Ron there. It was Ron playing with the bell again, I should've known.  -_-

"I SAID I WAS COMING! DID YOU NOT HEAR ME? You know if that thing is broken your buying and installing me a new doorbell." I threatened.

"Well hello to you to baby sis..." He hugged me but paused himself as he looked behind me scrunching up his face to fix his vision.

"What the-! J-Jimmy? Hoe? Joon? Yoyo?! Taelor? Jinny Boy? Even Junky?... HEYYY! WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE!? WASSUP!! HOW'VE ALL MY BOYS BEEN!?" He yelled in my ear as he pushed me off of him and headed towards them. What's up with people pushing me around? Even Moon does that to me!

I know he knows everyone, and gets along with every single person, but please for once leave my friends alone. I don't need him to steal them away from me too.

"Oh yeah and My?" He called back.

"What?" I said a tad bit annoyed.

"Anzi & Lay were behind me but I think they got caught by a light so th-"

"AUNTIE MY!!!!!" Hendi barged in. The other two still weren't even out the car yet, so how'd he get out? Do they not have child lock on?

"Hey Moon!..Um, Auntie My? Can we go swimming now?" He asked in a hurry.

"Yeah, but wait for your mother to come in so she knows ok?" I patted his head. He said ok then he and Moon went off to the back to put on their floaties.

In case you were wondering no, Anzi is not married.

Hendi and Moon would be the same age in September but right now he's 4 while she's still 3.

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