17. Bad Terms

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Setting: same from last chap.

First Day of School:

"Get up!" Mom turned the lights on. Yes. I'm in my new home.

It's really no different from my last one except that there was 1 extra room. Which mom took. She and dad got their own rooms now. While I still have to share a room.-_-

"I said get up!!" She repeated.

"CAN I NOT STRECH!" I yelled back. It's to early in the morning for this woman.

"Raise your voice at me one more time and I'll embarrass the hell out of you." *mentally sticks up middle finger because I truly don't give a fuck*

"Ok I'm getting up."


Jimin's POV:

*Alarm Blasting~'I Just Had Sex'*
(Song at the top)

"Ugh. Babe wake up." Brunei shook me.

"I'm already up. I couldn't sleep."

"How come?"

"Because you kick a lot in your sleep."

"...C'mon we got to get dress for school." She maneuvered.

"Aren't you excited to go back to school."

"... Shut up.. For all I hope the school put her on probation. She and her friend..Fwnssei had to get three fake teeth. The three are white while the rest of her teeth are yellow. Jimin it doesn't look right!"

"So? That's why they have teeth whiteners."

"Then that girl tackled me like an animal. She man handled me Jimin! She broke my nose! And unlike Fwn I lost teeth from the back! She's crazy Jimin!!"

"No she's not."

"They both are and they get everything they deserve now that's that."

"You still scared?"

"Haha No! I'm just saying. Plus I don't want you to be around them both at lunch today especially the animal got it?" But I haven't talked to My all summer.

"Got it." She won't know if I sneak a little hey or hi.

"I love you" She said.

"Yeah. Same to you."


So there's these sheets all around the school that tell you where your first period is. Once you find one you look for your grade, then you look for your last name, and then there should be a room number by it. That room number is your first period, and from there they give you your schedule.

I went to the sheet and found my name immediately. Rm. 231 Hall 6.

Tae- Rm. 231 Hall 6.

Brunei- Rm. 109 Hall 2.

Joonie- Rm. 234. Hall 6.

Who Knew [p.j.]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt