12. J's Kitchen

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"Cypher Rd. Lot-3 814." I repeated.

Incase your wondering that's where I'm supposed to be meeting Bohm for lunch.

"I swear!.. I swear to god that that's the bar I met Austin at!." I said proving a point to no one noticing a familiar bar next door.

They have a parking lot yes, but they don't have parking to park in... Every single spot is taken!

"J's kitchen.. Soup kitchen plus lunch hour doesn't really equal Bo? You couldn't pick somewhere irrelevant? It had to be your sisters? I would've been fine with McDonald's. Parking there isn't as hard."

I decided to make another round around the lot for the fourth time.

I entered a one way lane.

As I was on my way to nearly exit, then I saw a lady pulling out her keys and slowing her pace down. I knew she'd be getting out somewhere where I stopped. Yes I stopped. I'm no creep just the parking in this place is so damn hard to find.

"YES!" I saw her hop in a car 5 parkings from the front. All I had to do was reverse a little.

"Good job My. Good job." I praised myself. I reversed and waited for her to turn on her car.

I'm sitting there waiting... and waiting.... and waiting... and waiting... and waiting...

"Woman turn your damn car on already! What the fuck are you doing in there?! Taking a shit?! Your gonna suffocate soon! Damn! Hurry up!!"

I waited a whole minute till her slow ass finally decided to turn on the stupid automobile.

"Oh my god." Now she's fixing her side mirrors, putting her stupid ass safety-seat belt on, and fixing her ugly ass caked up looking makeup.

Meanwhile as I wait I look ahead and see a red van entering the wrong way in the lane. There's space for her to drive pass me but it's very tight. She's going to have to wait because me. I. Miss My am not moving out of anyones way..

I noticed the old lady in the van stopped. Not to wait for me to move. Nooo, this old hag was waiting for MY parking! The one I'VE been waiting patiently for!

So I decided to scoot up a little.

I saw Cake Faces car slowly start to reverse. So I sat up straight, shimmied my butt in my chair a little, and got closer to the steering wheel preparing to take a steal.

As soon as I get my chance I'm hitting that gas pedal. I don't give a fuck whose in the way. Either they quickly move or they get hit.

Cake Face was reversing.. She drove off and as she did so guess what I did?! I TOOK THAT BITCH!!

I heard a honk come from behind me as I gathered my stuff to get out, but I knew that is was just that grumpy old hag so I brushed it off. I'm never rude to my elders.


I walked in, it was very, VERY rich looking. White and maroon everywhere. She must be rich mayyyn. I wonder what she worked as to afford all of this.

I don't belong here. I got money yeah. But that's just money to live off of, I'm not what you call 'rich'. I don't own a café or own a soup kitchen. No I work at a café that as a matter of fact sells soup too.

I was greeted by a gorgeous young girl who looked about 18 in my opinion, "Hi Miss. Table for one?" Take that back I think 30, she had a smoker voice.

"Um no actually two. I'm supposed to be meeting up here with someone and I'm not sure if he's already here."

"...He??.. Are you perhaps waiting for a man with the name of Bohm?"

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