3. Never Again

125 21 29

8:56 a.m.
Maya's POV:

As I've slowly awaken from my sleep, I had an enormous headache. I felt that someone must've hit me in the back of my head with a bat or something last night.

Out of natural habits I decided to flip my body around on the bed. Shockingly I only felt one thing on and under me.

That one thing my friend is the mattress sheets underneath me and the big blanket on top of me. Not to mention, I also see some a mans bare back facing me. Yay.

I look under the blanket and saw someones little tiny ass. Reality hits me and I feel like a complete dumbass. Aw shit no.

First thing that came to my mind was get up out of this situation, leave this house and never come back.

I quietly got up trying not to awaken the naked man lying on the bed next to me. As I got up, I tried to find my most of my clothes, along with my phone. I did so and headed to the bathroom that was in his room and got dress preparing myself to leave.

The inside of my mouth not only tastes bad but smells nasty too. Like it's bad girl. Ew.

I couldn't really wear an underwear anymore because whoever that motherfucker is ripped it! Jessy was right I do need to go pantie shopping.


I got out and noticed he wasn't in the bed anymore, the dude was just gone. I thought that maybe he went to another bathroom or something. So I tried to find my way out the front door and escape this place.

The moment I walked out I spotted it. Turns out something else spotted me as well.

"Oh, hello there. You still haven't left yet?" The man said sitting on the sofa eating a bowl of cereal. I've seen his face somewhere before, where? I don't really remember.

"Say, you never told me your name you know. What is it?" He asked.

"Uh, it's Maya, yours?"I said trying not make this anymore awkward then it already is for myself.

"Maya. Hm, ok. You don't remember mine?" No, no I don't. I actually don't remember alot of stuff from last night you fucktard. "Austin, A-line. Remember?"

I started putting two and two together, I do remember him from the bar last night. He was the guy who put his number in my phone under 'A-Line' in my phone. He was the fucker I questioned giving the bartender money for nothing about three times! Was he paying him to spike my drink! Son of a bitch!


"Can I have another small Coke please? Thanks." The bartender said yes and headed his way to the back to get my drink. He (Beck, the bartender) was stopped by a man sitting a seat away from me.

The man next to me pulled him in to a whisper. Beck looked questioned at first then nodded as understanding afterwards.

They giggled after the man pulled away. Beck waited behind the counter as the man pulled out his wallet and handed him some cash. He then left and went off to the back to get what I'm assuming is my soda.

I didn't really pay much attention to the two because it seemed like a guy joke or something that they did, maybe a bet, I don't know. He probably owed him some money for all I know so I let slide.

Beck came back and planted my glass on the counter, "Here's a small Root Beer for you darling." He said as he placed it in front off me and noting it down on the tab for later.

"Now you give me a Root Beer? I asked for a Coke. Eh this is fine I guess. Thank you sir." I kingly said.


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