15. Memories

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Setting: (6-7 years ago in the middle of their school year)

Maya's POV:

I was switching out my French book to my Math book in my locker for 2nd period. Jimps and Jessy, everyday come and meet up by my locker.

Jimin and I have math together, and Jessy's class is next door to our class so we all walk there together.

I felt my phone vibrate in my butt pocket.

I'm in the office right now my moms picking me up.

Sorry I can't walk with you. But hey! Your walking with Jimmy Jimps today.. Alone.. Just the two of you.. *Wink wink* love you!!Bye!

"What up." Jimin leaned over my shoulder which startled me just a little at his sudden presence. "Haha sorry didn't mean to shock you."

"It's whatever. You ready?"

"Yup! Where's Jess? She's usually here before me." He said grabbing his book from my locker.

"She's leaving." I responded quickly texting her back with out him noticing.

-_- He has a girlfriend now Jess. She already doesn't like me because I'm his best friend. Whose a girl, and also the fact that I used to sleepover at his house.

If she finds out about me actually liking him she's going to think he's a cheater. then their goes his happy relationship that I ended up ruining. BYEE! <3

"Oh really why is she leaving?" He asked.

"I don't know. Let's go." I said beginning to walk.

Sorry.. I wish you could sleep at mines sometimes, but you already know how my dad feels about you.. I'm so sorry My.. Bye. GO TO CLASS! <3

I giggled at how much I've rubbed off on her.


I went to my seat to obviously sit, but as I was sitting down Jimin stopped me.

"Um My? Take this, go to the bathroom, and call your mom to pick you up." He stood up and tied his jacket around my waist.

"Jimin. Are you serious. Again?. I decided to wear my damn khakis again and this happened...AGAIN!"

I huffed and grabbed my books. As I was making my way to the door Mrs. Gitner stopped me. "Are going to skip my class young lady because if so then I will not hesitate to write you up. And don't think I won't."

I walked up to her and whispered,"Its that time of the month. You know where the blood from my vagina sta-"

"OK I GET IT!" She interrupted. Why are you so dramatic lady.

"Yeah it's everywhere. So is it ok for me to leave for a 'personal issue', or am I still getting written up??" She should understand... Right?

"You may go."

I mouthed Jimin a thank you and he smiled back. This is the second time this month. For the fifth month in a row!!


Dialing... Dialing... Dialing... Dialin- Sorry the person you are trying to call is not able to be reached at the moment. Please leave a message after the-

"I'm not leaving no message. She never answers my calls anyways." Why did I even bother trying to call her first.

I called Anzi to tell her if she can call Mom and have her pick me up.

Who Knew [p.j.]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora