28. Doctor Anthony Daniels

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"Let's go say hi to daddy first then we'll go see Doctor. We don't want to be there so early." I walked across the street holding Moons hand.

Ok look I know I studied to be a nurses assistant for 9 months when I was pregnant, but it's not like I actually payed attention in class in order to know what's actually wrong with Moon.

How'd I pass? Well I studied for the tests, passed them, and wahlah. I got a degree in the nursing field. I didn't really need to pay attention. Just putting it out there.

We walked in and I was greeted by Khatira, "Hey Maya. You here for Jimin?"

"Yeah, I mean I can talk with you a little if your not busy. Girl talk seems really nice. I have to go to the doctor and I don't want to be so early so yeah."

"I feel you. I can't stand the doctor. Every time I go I get sick if I wasn't sick before. And if I was already sick then I just get sicker."

"I know right! Last time I only went for a freaking check up and I had to go back three days later because I had the flu! Sanitization my tits."

We both laughed. "You don't curse in front of her do you?" Kat referred to Moon who was hugging her teddy bear.

"Nope. I do sometimes but she knows to never say it. I mainly don't do it for her to not say it, but I always end up saying it. She never does though. Thank god. Imagine she goes to school and tells her teacher to go suck an ass one day. Then they call me up saying she said that. They'd know she learnt it from me because they know I'm the only guardian. I can't accuse anyone else man."

"Haha. Just blame Jimin if that ever happens. If they ask who he is just be like he's a close friend whose always over." We laughed. I might sleep on that.

"I'm so doing-"

"Hey My!" I turned to see who called me. I saw Jimin and Anthony chilling at a table.

"I'll talk to you another day. Bye!" I told Kat picking up Moon then I walked to their table.

"Helloo." I greeted.

"Hey what are you doing here?" Anthony asked.

"Here sit." Jimin pulled out the chair next to him.

I sat. "Well I came to pass by Jimin because I have to take Moon to the doctor and I didn't want to be there so early."

"Why do you have to take her to the doctor?" Jimin asked.

"She threw up in the middle of the night. It could've been because she didn't eat enough but I'd rather be safe than sorry. I mean her forehead isn't hot so."

"I can take a look at her right now. My office isn't so far from here." Anthony offered. Oh that's right. He's got a doctors degree.

"Where's your office?" I asked.

"It's on Reflection Rode. The first five floors are the hospitality floors then the five floors above those are the investigation floors a.k.a. the police area. The metallic building not the glass one. It's behind the glass one."

"Really! Our doctors there! Though he's in the glass building and he sucks. Once he tried to give her medicine just so that why later I'd end up paying for it. I hate him so much but he's better than all the other doctors in that place."

"Why don't you just switch to me. I take all the families. I don't just do one person."

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah I'll take you guys. You and Moon. It'll be cool being my best friends doctor."

"Can we go right now?"

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