26. (A) Robbed

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*WARNING* A lot of Point of View Switches*

8:00 p.m.
Maya's POV:

"Ok so um.. You stay here while I go try and put him in the box again. Ok." I hesitantly assured Moon.

"I wasn't going to get up anyway." She clarified. Well damn.

If you're wondering what I'm talking about please stay tuned.

Basically I went into the art room earlier and when I went in Fern ran out. He escaped and ran down stairs scaring the living shit out of Moon. She hid in my room and so did I. #braveaf_right

But then I thought why don't I just go get the little shit and put him away before he ruins anything else. So that's what I intend on doing.

"Ok.. So um.. So I'm going now.. Wish me luck?" I stalled.

"Good luck. You'll need it." She gave me a lipless smile.

"Oh wow thanks. I really appreciate-"

There was a big bursting slam.

The alarm loudly went off.

Then out of nowhere Fern started barking like crazy downstairs.

*BOOM* a gun was fired. The barking stopped.

I looked at Moon knee tucked on the bed who was covering her ears. I snatched her up and sat her in my closet while I went to go see what was going on downstairs.

"No mommy don't leave me alone!" She yelled over the noise.

"I'm coming back. Ok." She hesitantly nodded and I closed the closet door on her.

I walked out the room, looked down from the railing, and saw people with guns roaming around the first floor.

"GO GO GO!!" They yelled.

I ran back in the room to the closet.

"Hey Moon?" I spoke loudly into her ear. "I need you to do everything I say quick and fast ok?" She nodded.


Jimin's POV:

"I wonder how the dates are going?" I asked the others who were slumped down on the couches.

"Should we call?" Hobi suggested.

"No. If we were on a date with someone we really liked we wouldn't want them to do that to us." Jin said.


Jin and I just starred at the odd human.

"What? You wanna fight or something? Ou you wanna wrestle?"

Jin and I looked at each other. "Sure." It'll waste tonight's time.


Maya's POV:

I opened a hidden air vent at the top of my closet that's blocked by a bunch of old books.

I helped Moon up there and handed her my phone.

"You remember how to count from 1 to 10 right?" She nodded.

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